Search Results "apun"


apun NI bed ● apunásh beds apunák in the bed Qá upáhsonáquwôwash áhtásh wáwápi nishnah apunák And above every bed…


wapunak NA air ● wapunakuk in the air Qá i wámi pupunshásak mamáhcikisuk … wáh numiyuqak wuci micuwôk nishnuw askasqáyuw…


kihcapun- VTA he torments him, makes him suffer ● nukihcapunô I torment him kihcapunáw s/he torments him kukihcapunômun you and…


sqôtam- VTI he spits it, expels water ● nusqôtam I spit sqôtam s/he spits kusqôtamun you and I spit sqôtamôt…


putákham- VTI he covers it over, hides it by covering ● nuputákham I cover it up putákham s/he covers it…


pamôpakun- VAI he creeps or crawls, like an animal ● nupamôpakun I crawl pamôpakun s/he crawls kupamôpakun you and I…


apsun- VAI he lies upon it ● nutapsun I lie upon it apsun he lies upon it kutapsunun you and…


sipsun- VAI he extends himself, lies down (as on his bed) ● nusipsun I lie down sipsun s/he lies down…


matôpáwôk NI evil deed, transgression ● matôpáwôkansh evil deeds matôpáwôkanuk in evil deeds Qá áhqôhtamawunán numatôpáwôkunônash, nánuk uy áhqôhtamak kihcapunuqiyakuk…


máhcuná- VAI he is sick, ill ● numáhcuná I am sick máhcuná s/he is sick kumáhcunámun you and I are…

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