Search Results "ôkutak"


suqatash NI succotash whole boiled corn; a traditional dish made with cooked corn and beans. ● suqatashuk in the succotash…


pinowanutuwôk NI mutual strife, contention ● pinowanutuwôkansh contention pinowanutuwôkanuk in the strife Cáhnamit tá ôkutak inah wacônumak pinowanutuwôk Cáhnamit and…


pôpayik NI basket splint ● pôpayikansh splints pôpayikanuk at the splint Mucáq másqák pôpayik yotay There is no red splint…


kiht- PREN chief, principal, greatest ● …qut nuqut kucohkôn wustôw kiht máhshák ôk ôkutakansh but one doll was made larger…


kucohkôn NA a doll, a statue ● kucohkônak dolls kucohkônuk on the doll …qut nuqut kucohkôn wustôw kiht-máhshák ôk ôkutakansh…


mushôtowi ADV loudly ● Kôkci kucohkôn nit onon aniya ôk mushôtowi ôkutakanakah The large doll then screamed more loudly than…


onon- VAI he screams, yells, howls like a wild animal ● nutonon I scream onon s/he screams kutononun you and…


wihqsh NI the end, the utmost limit ● wihqshash the limits wihqshuk on the limit Wuci wihqsh pasuq wuyupaw yin…


micuwôk NI food ● micuwôkansh foods micuwôkanuk in the food Iyo ponamutuk micuwôk taspowôkanuk Let’s put the food on the…


papômi PREP about, around, concerning ● Yo ihtôqat papômi áhsup, ôkutakanak awáyáhsak, tá umicuwôkanuw This is a story about a…

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