Search Results "kon"


apsun- VAI he lies upon it nutapsun I lie upon it apsun he lies upon it kutapsunun you and I lie upon it apsunsh Lie on it! (sing) apsunoq Lie on it! apsunutuk Let’s lie on it! ápsuk that he lies on it ápsukik that they lie on it Paswôsi nám cáqan apsun apunuk, qá kôkci wutqun mák, ô i kucohkônah Soon he saw that something was lying in bed, and taking a big stick, he went over to it.

onôptá- VAI he consents nutonôptá I consent onôptáw s/he consents kutonôptáwômun you and I consent onôptáwutuk Let’s consent! onôptáw Consent! pl : onôptáwohq Consent! onôptáwôt that he consents Nikôni yôksqáhs matantam, qut Cáhnamit sinitamaw, qá macish onôptáw At first the young woman was unwilling, but Cáhnamit wooed her, and at last she consented.

sipsun- VAI he extends himself, lies down (as on his bed) nusipsun I lie down sipsun s/he lies down sipsunumun you and I lie down sipsunutuk Let’s lie down! sg : sipsunsh Lie down! pl : sipsunoq Lie down! sipsut that he lies down Paswôsi nám cáqan sipsut apunuk, qá kôkci wutqun mák, ô i kucohkônah Soon he saw that something was lying in bed, and taking a big stick, he went over to the doll.
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