English to Mohegan


lodge -ik NI DEP home, house, lodge (see also: wicuw, cáhqin, kamuq, wiqám)
lonely nusuwi ADV alone, lonely
long quni- INIT long
long clam suksuw NA clam, long clam
long time quniqôpáyu- VII it is a long time
look aquniwôqat- VII it resembles, looks like môyiyam- VTI he looks intently at it, observes it môyiyaw- VTA he looks intently at, beholds him natáwôpamá- VTA he looks for or at him natáwôpu- VTI he looks for or at (it) sáhoqáyu- VAI he looks out (as from a window or door)
look at kunam- VTI he looks at it kunaw- VTA he looks at him
look for natskam- VTI he looks for it natskaw- VTA he looks for him, chases him
look! cuh INTERJ ho! look!
loud mushôtowi ADV loudly
love sinitam- VAI he goes a-wooing, seeking a woman’s love wômôhtam- VTI he loves it wômôsunuwôk₂ NI love (in exercise, or directed to an object), kindness (manifested) wômôy- VTA he loves him wômôyásuwi ADV of love, lovingly wômôyáwôk NI love (abstract) wômôyutan- VAI they love each other wômôyutuwôk NI love (noun) ‘loving each other’
lover wômôyutaniwin NA lover
loving wômôyásu- VAI he is loving
lovingly wômôyásuwi ADV of love, lovingly
lunch pôhsqáhpu- VAI he eats lunch
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