English to Mohegan


I ni₁ PRO I, me
ice kupat NI ice
ill máhcuná- VAI he is sick, ill
imbibe nonôtam- VAI he sucks, imbibes
immediately tiyanuk ADV presently, immediately, quickly
in áyaqáhtuk PREP in front of something áyaqapi PREP in front of someone, in his presence ayômi PREP inside (of), in cáyhqatum- VAI he is in a hurry pito- VTI he puts it in tôtá- VTA he climbs into something
in back of wuták PREP behind, in the back of
in front of áyaqáhtuk PREP in front of something áyaqapi PREP in front of someone, in his presence
in morning yôpôwi ADV in the morning
in order that wáci- PREV in order that, so that, so as to, for the purpose of
in pain ôhqamamu- VAI he is in pain, hurts (To say that a part of your body hurts, use the AI with the possessed body part agreeing in person.)
increase kotunihto- VTI he adds to it, increases it nanô ADV (it increases) more and more, increasingly
Indian inskitôp NA Indian, human ‘regular person’ mohiks NA Mohegan, Mohegan Indian moyahikaniw NA Mohegan, Mohegan Indian
Indian corn wiwáhcum NI corn, Indian corn (usually used in plural)
infant piyusihs NA an infant, a child
information ôcimu- VAI he tells news, information, a story
injure wis- VTA he hurts him, injures him, harms him
insect ocáwáhs NA fly (the insect)
inside ayômi PREP inside (of), in
instead wipi CONJ only, but, rather, instead (indicates sharper contrast than qut)
insufficient notáhshá ADV insufficient, not enough
intend katawi INIT he is going to, intends to, about to
inter posikunáw- VTA he buries him, inters (him)
is ayu- VAI he is, exists (not used with location) iyaki- VII it is, it exists (not used with a location)
is it? sun₂ ADV adverb of asking, signifying ‘is it?’
island munhan NI island