Search Results "uy-"


uy- VTA say to him, tell him (y-stem) nutuyô I say to him uyáw s/he says to him kutuyômun you and I tell him sg : us Tell him! pl : uyohq Tell him! uyutuk Let’s tell him! áyôt that he tells him Us totay piyô Tell him where to go.

ahuy- VTA he calls him (something), names him nutahuyô I call him something ahuyáw he calls him something kutahuyômun you and I call him something áhuyôt that he calls him something Tôn kutahuyô ôkutakanuk? What else can you call him?

nôhtuy- VTA 1he shows it to him 2(y-stem) nunôhtuyô I show it to him nôhtuyáw s/he shows it to him kunôhtuyômun you and I show it to him sg : nôhtus Show it to him! pl : nôhtuyohq Show it to him! nôhtuyôt that he shows it to him Qá wusqik wuci nusintamawôkanun nupáto, wáci nôhtuyuyak inkôtôkansh And I brought our wedding book to show you the pictures. Nuks, táput ni nôhtusiyak kutinkôtôkanuwôwash Yes, thank you for showing your family pictures to us.