Search Results "uy"


uy PART 1as, in such a way, thus, how, so 2(yo uy: this way) Kuti cáqansh yo uy You do things this way .

uy- VTA say to him, tell him (y-stem) nutuyô I say to him uyáw s/he says to him kutuyômun you and I tell him sg : us Tell him! pl : uyohq Tell him! uyutuk Let’s tell him! áyôt that he tells him Us totay piyô Tell him where to go.

aquy PHRASE hello, greetings Aquy! Tôn kutay Hello! How are you?

ahuy- VTA he calls him (something), names him nutahuyô I call him something ahuyáw he calls him something kutahuyômun you and I call him something áhuyôt that he calls him something Tôn kutahuyô ôkutakanuk? What else can you call him?

aquyá NI peace; refrain from fighting aquyák in the peace Aquyá wáhsumun, as ayitiyuwôk páhkinum Peace is light, whereas war is darkness

wuyam NI face paint, body paint, vermilion wuyamash paints wuyamunuk in the paint Aquw nis mômôyisuwôkansh wuci wuyam nusnuw wanonawuk He wears two stripes of face paint on each cheek.

muyáyi ADV together …qá kisi ni apuwak muyáyi wuci qániqôpáks and after that they lived together for a long time.

muyôw- VTA he smells him, senses his smell (involuntarily) numuyôwô I smell him muyôwáw s/he smells him kumuyôwômun you and I smell him máyôwôt that he smells him máyôwáhutut that he smells them Muyôwáw muks citsah The wolf smells the bird.

utuyuw ADV where Qá ki pish inat cipsawôk… yáyôwi wámi wutaymôyinash utuyuw Káwtántowit pish sáhkôpanáwôq And thou shalt become an astonishment… among all nations where the Lord shall lead thee.

uyáyu- VII it is so, is thus, is that way (u)yáyuw it is so (u)yáyush they are so áyák that it is so áyáks whenever it is so Ni yáyuw It is so. (Often said at the end of a prayer as ‘Amen’.)
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