Search Results "qipi"


qipi PREP round about; all around Qá kawik qipi wikuk They slept round about the house.

qipi- VAI he turns, rotates; changes his course nuqipi I turn qipi s/he turns kuqipimun you and I turn sg : qipish Turn! pl : qipiq Turn! qipôtuk Let’s turn! qipit that he turns Qá ô qipi Galilee And he went all about Galilee.

qipiwôk NI a turning, a conversion qipiwôkansh conversions qipiwôkanuk in the conversion Papaspushák Phinus tá Samayiya wututatum qipiwôkansh wuci Gintuys They passed through Phenice and Samaria declaring the conversions of the Gentiles.

qipinum- VTI he turns it around nuqipinum I turn it qipinum s/he turns it kuqipinumumun you and I turn it sg : qipinumsh Turn it! pl : qipinumoq Turn it! qipinumhutut that they turn it Qá kitasot qipinum wuskisuq qá wuyônumôwuqak And the king turned his face and blessed them.

miyaco ADV left, leftward Piyôsh káhtkôwi qá miyaco qipi Go to the top of the hill and turn left.

awáhsh NA hawk awáhshák hawks awáhshák on the hawk Musqayan qipi papômi tahqunáwôk The hawk is circling her prey.

kitasot NA king kitasotak kings kitasotuk on the king Qá kitasot qipinum wuskisuq qá wuyônumôwuqak And the king turned his face and blessed them.

-skisuq NI DEP eye, face nuskisuq my face nuskisuq my eye nuskisuqash my eyes nuskisuquk in my eye wuskisuq his/her eye muskisuq someone’s eye Páwihsa, nutakis, kiyaw ôkhumoq kuskisuquwôwash Okay, I will count, you (_ pl._) cover your eyes; Qá kitasot qipinum wuskisuq qá wuyônumôwuqak And the king turned his face and blessed them. Qá Kawtántowit pish na nitay anunumáwuquw nanukshayi mutáh, tá sáwiks muskisuqash but the Lord shall give thee there a trembling heart, and failing of eyes…

wuyônum- VTA he confers blessings upon (him) nuwuyônum I bless him wuyônumôw s/he confers blessings upon him kuwuyônumômun you and I confer blessings upon him wuyônumutuk Let’s bless him! sg : wuyônumsh Bless him! pl : wuyônumôq Bless him! wáyônumôt that he confers blessings upon him Qá kitasot qipinum wuskisuq qá wuyônumôwuqak And the king turned his face and blessed them.

onon- VAI he screams, yells, howls like a wild animal nutonon I scream onon s/he screams kutononun you and I scream ononutuk Let’s scream! ononsh Scream! pl : ononoq Scream! ononak that he screams Kôkci kucohkôn nit onon aniya ôk mushôtowi ôkutakanakah The large doll then screamed louder than the others. Qipit kánawôt nuqut kucohkônah, pásuq wuták nákum ayôtam ononak Every time he turned to look at one doll, the one that was behind him would scream.
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