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i- VAI he does (so) nuti I do so i s/he does so kutimun you and I do so sg : ish do so! pl : iq do so! ituk let’s do so! it that s/he does it Manto wáhtôw wámi cáqansh, tápi i wámi cáqansh God knows all things, can do all things.

ayi- INIT better, more, it exceeds, surpasses Piwiyôn, ôk nut_ayi_mihkinôqusuw When I was little, I was stronger than it seems. Pôqus _ayi_mushqisuw ônk wic The moth was bigger than his hand.

áhqi- VAI he stops (something), quits nutáhqi I stop áhqi s/he stops kutáhqimum you and I stop sg : áhqish Stop! pl : áhqiq Stop! áhqit that he stops Niwuci iyo áhqi niyuwantamoq, asu áhqi musqôhtamoq kahakáwôwak Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves.

kawi- VAI he sleeps, is asleep nukawi I am asleep kawi s/he is asleep kukawimun you and I are asleep sg : kawish Go to sleep! pl : kawiq Go to sleep! kawituk Let’s sleep! káwit when he is asleep Tápkuks kawiw At nighttime he sleeps. Côci nukawi! Kawish! I need to sleep! Go to sleep! Nukatukôm, nukawi I am sleepy, I go to sleep.

kisi- PREV after, finished, completed Wikáyuwôk wuci _kisi_ wuyôkpuwôk A sweet for after dinner.

maci- PREN bad, evil, wicked Mut iwák maci cáqan They do not say bad things.

môci- VAI he goes away, heads off numôci I go away môci s/he goes away kumôcimun you and I go away sg : môcish Go away! pl : môciq Go away! môcit that he goes away Môcish! Kuwus’humô kisqutut Go away! You make me angry.

ômki- VAI he gets up, as out of bed nutômki I get up ômkiw s/he gets up kutômkimun you and I get up sg : ômkish Get up! pl : ômkiq Get up! ômkit that he gets up Ômkiq! Tôn kukawimô? Get up! How did you sleep? Ômkish, qá mamun mukihs tá áhkasah … Arise and take the young child and his mother… Nutômki, numic, sômi nuwacônôn mihkikuwôk wuci Manto I get up, I eat, because I have strength from God.

qaci- VAI he goes outside, goes out, gets off of, exits nuqaci I am outside qaci s/he is outside kuqacimun you and I are outside sg : qacish Go outside! pl : qaciq Go outside! qácit that he is outside Páwihsa, kumuskawi, nuqaci Okay, you found me, I’m coming out; Qaciq wuci nitay Come out of there!

qaqi- VAI he runs nuqaqi I run qaqi s/he runs kuqaqimun you and I run qaqituk Let’s run! sg : qaqish Run! pl : qaqiq Run! qáqit that he runs Wikun! Wi kuqaqimô Good! You all run well. Qaqiq qi wacuwuk Run up the hill.
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