Search Results "ayuwôk"


ayuwôk NI a place ayuwôkansh places ayuwôkanuk in the place Wôk nipás paspushá, qá nipas wayô, qá kipshô i ayuwôk áhta páspishôt The sun also rises, and the sun goes down and hastens to his place where he arose.

cupayuwôk NI tribe cupayuwôkansh tribes cupayuwôkanuk in the tribe Iyo cupayuwôk ayihkôsikamukanuk kutapumun Here we are at the Tribal Office.

qôpáyuwôk NI time (alternative spelling: ahqôpáyuwôk) qôpáyuwôkansh times qôpbyuwôkanuk in time Yo wôk wáhtawush, mawmacish kiskash nunuqi qôpáyuwôkansh pish piyômush This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

wikáyuwôk NI a sweet, something sweet wikáyuwôkansh sweets wikáyuwôkanuk in the sweets Wikáyuwôk wuci kisi wuyôkpuwôk a sweet for after dinner Nuwikimic wikáyuwôkansh I like to eat sweets.

cáhsháyuwôk NI family cáhsháyuwôkansh families cáhsháyuwôkanuk in a family Nucáhsháyuwôk nákumôw They are my family; Inkôtôk wici wámi kucáhsháyuwôkanun wustawutuk Let’s build a picture of our entire family; Qutôsk nunicônak apuwak yo cáhsháyuwôkanuk These are the six children in this family.

wikimicu- VTI he likes to eat it nuwikimic I like to eat it wikimicuw s/he likes to eat it kuwikimicumun you and I like to eat it sg : wikimicush Like to eatit! wikimicuq Like to eat it! wikimicuk that he likes to eat it Nuwikimic wikáyuwôkansh I like to eat sweets.

qutuyôtam- VTI he honors it, shows respect to it nuqutuyôtam I honor it qutuyôtam he honors it kuqutuyôtamumun you and I honor it sg : qutuyôtamsh Honor it! pl : qutuyôtamoq Honor it! qutuyôtamutuk Let’s honor it qátuyôtak that he honors it Qutuyôtam wuci cupayuwôk He shows respect for the tribe.

pakowato- VTI he destroys it nupakowato I destroy it pakowatow s/he destroys it kupakowatomun you and I destroy it sg : pakowatush Destroy it! pl : pakowatoq Destroy it! pákowatok that he destroys it Yo in pish pakowatow ayuwôk This man shall destroy this place.

nisu- VII it is a pair nisuw it is a pair nisush they are a pair nisuk that it is a pair nisuks whenever they are a pair Kucupayuwôkun nisush táqásak Our tribe has many pairs of twins.

kisi- PREV after, finished, completed Wikáyuwôk wuci _kisi_ wuyôkpuwôk A sweet for after dinner.
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