Search Results "akisu-"


akisu- VAI he counts, does counting; also, play rushes, straw game nutakis I count akisuw he counts kutakisumun you and I count sg : akisush Count! pl : akisuq Count! ákisut that he counts Nutakis, kiyaw ôkhumoq kuski suquwôwash I will count, you cover your eyes; Akisutuk! Let’s count!

wôpusákisu- VAI he is gray nuwôpusákis I am gray wôpusákisuw s/he is gray kuwôpusákisumun you and I are gray wôpusákisuk that he is gray wôpusákisut that they are gray Misum nis wôpusákisuk citsak Give me two gray birds.