Search Results "ôkutak"


ôkutak ADV other, another (‘more’ in the sense of quantities; see ‘áyuwi’ for qualities) ôkutakansh (_inanimate_) others ôkutakanak (_animate_) others Ôkutak wiwáhcum misum Give me another ear of corn; Ôkutakansh wustawutuk Let’s make some more. Nunáwô ôkutak kisusq I see another sun.

ôkutakanuk ADV otherwise, elsewhere ‘at another’ Tôn ôkutakanuk kut’huyô? What else can you call him?

áyuwi ADV more (‘more’ in the sense of modifying qualities, not in quantities or activities – for the latter, see ôkutak) Uwisuwôkanuk Manto, áyuwi páhkisut, áyuwi páhkisut In the Name of God, the most pure, the most pure.

‘papon NI chair (alternative spelling: ahpapon) paponsh chairs paponuk in the chair Yo ôkutak papon This is another chair; Nis paponsh áhtásh nikunônuk There are two chairs in our house; Nuwikôtam mátapuyôn kupaponuk I like sitting in your chair.

muskam- VTI he finds it numskam I find it muskam s/he finds it kumskamumun you and I find it sg : muskamsh Find it! pl : muskamoq Find it! máskak that he finds it Ôkutak inkôtôk numuskam I found another picture. Mut numskam cáqan I cannot find anything.

ahuy- VTA he calls him (something), names him nutahuyô I call him something ahuyáw he calls him something kutahuyômun you and I call him something áhuyôt that he calls him something Tôn kutahuyô ôkutakanuk? What else can you call him?

wôcak PRON everybody Wôcak ôkutak, yokcáwi môciq Everybody else, go over there!

susupôkamuq NI wall (of a house) susupôkamuqash walls susupôkamuquk on the walls Yo susupôkamukansh Here are the walls; Nuqut susupôkamuk, ôkutak susupôkamuk One wall, another wall.

asqitiyám- VTA he leaves him behind nutasqitiyámô I leave him behind asqitiyámáw s/he leaves him behind kutasqitiyámômun you and I leave him behind sg : asqitiyám leave him behind! pl : asqitiyámohq leave him behind! asqitiyámutuk Let’s leave him behind! ásqitiyámôt that s/he leaves him behind Nuqaqi uy kipi, ôkutakanak asqitiyámak I run so fast, that I leave the others behind.

nanô ADV (it increases) more and more, increasingly Nishnuw iwák tápi nanô micuw ôk ôkutak Each said that he could eat more than the other.
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