Mohegan to English



taqôq NI autumn, fall taqôqash autumns taqôquk in the fall Taqôq First Frost/Falling Leaves. T’káyuw yo taqôq It is cold this fall.
taqôqu- VII it is autumn, fall taqôquw it is fall táqôquk that it is fall táqôquks whenever it is fall Ciwi taqôquw It is almost fall.
taspowôk NI table taspowôkansh tables taspowôkanuk on the table Aqu piyôkut áhtá taspowôk The table is under the blanket. Taspowôkanuk pish sipakinumak onônak qá wuponamunáw wiyôkansh, tá kiyamôk, tá wisqash, tá ôqhikash nishnuw apqôsuwash Upon the table they shall spread a blue cloth, and thereon the dishes, and the spoons, and the bowls and covers to cover each one.
tastukan NI shelf tastukansh shelves tastukanuk on the shelf Nuponam wusqikansh tastukanuk I put the books on the shelf.
tatakámô NA porpoise tatakámôk porpoises tatakámôk on the porpoise Mukacuks pásawáw i t’hkamuk psqanuk tatakámô The boy was brought to the shore on the back of the porpoise.
tatamwáwic NI cup tatamwáwicash cups tatamwáwicuk in the cups Misum wuyacásq tatamwáwic Give me the birch cup.
tatô PART 'I don't know' Tatô. Cáqan micuwak áhsupanak? I don’t know. What do raccoons eat?
tátupi ADV the same, alike, equally, in the same way Táqásak tátupi iwak cáqansh The twins say things in the same way.
tátupiyu- VII it is equal to, same as tátupiyuw it is equal to tátupiyush they are equal to tátupiyuk that it is equal to tátupiyuks when they are equal ‘Tátupiyuw’ uyuwamow yo kunasuwôk This mark means it is‘equal’.
tayák NA crane tayákôk cranes tayákôk on the crane Tayák wacônum quni-w’htôtash The crane has long legs.
tayhkihcáwôk NI garden tayhkihcáwôkansh gardens tayhkihcáwôkanuk in the garden Nipuks ayihkôsuwak tayahkihcáwôkanuk Whenever it is summertime, they work in the garden.
tayikinôk NI fruit tayikinôkansh fruits tayikinôkanuk on the fruit Qá kusi, manotá nipun tayikinôk And, behold, a basket of summer fruit.
táyôhqáyu- VII it is short táyôhqáyuw it is short táyôhqáyush they are short táyôhqák that it is short táyôhqáks when they are short Yosh maskihcuwash tayahqayush This grass is short.
táyôhqusu- VAI he is short nutáyôhqus I am short táyôhqusuw s/he is short kutáyôhqusumun you and I are short táyôhqusutuk Let’s be short! sg : táyôhqusush Get short! pl : táyôhqusuq Be short! táyôhqusut that he is short Táyôhqusuw wipi mihkikut He is short but strong.
tayôsq NI bridge tayôsqônsh bridges tayôsqônuk on the bridge Munhanuk tá otán môsuqituw naspi tayôsq The island and town are joined by the bridge.
tiyanuk ADV presently, immediately, quickly Pasuq ôpsusupôkamuquk wuták nákum tiyanuk sahonoyôn Immediately the one against the wall behind him began to scream.
tiyaqi ADV any Cáhshi munish kuwacôn? Tiyaqi? How much money do you have? Any?
tiyôp NA a bow tiyôpash bows tiyôpuk in the bow Acá naspi tiyôp tá pitan yumway kikumsh He hunts with a bow and a quiver full of arrows.
tohki- VAI he is awake, he wakes up nutohki I wake up tohki s/he awakens kutohkimun you and I awaken sg : tohkish Wake up! pl : tohkiq Wake up! tohkit that he wakes up Kisukahks nutohki Whenever it is daytime, I am awake.
tohkun- VTA he wakes him up nutohkunô I wake him up tohkunáw s/he wakes him up kutohkunômun you and I wake him up tohkunutuk Wake him up! sg : tohkun Wake him up! pl : tohkunohq Wake him up! tohkunôt that he wakes him up Mutu nupuw; Tohkun! He’s not dead; wake him up!
tôkam- VTA he stabs him nutôkamô I stab him tôkamáw s/he stabs him kutôkamômun you and I stab him tôkamutuk Let’s stab him! sg : tôkamsh Stab him! pl : tôkamoq Stab him! tôkamôt that he stabs him Wôcak uyôhtumak Cáhnamit wimuqut tôkamôt wahak, qut Cáhnamit háhanuwôt wámi Everybody thought that he really stabbed himself, but Cáhnamit laughed at them all.
tômakan NI a flood tômakanash floods tômakanuk in the flood …ônatu tômakan mushi nupish tômákák …as a flood of mighty waters overflowing.
tômakan- VII it is overflowing, there is a flood tômakan it is flooded tômakansh they are flooded tômakak when it is flooded tômakaks whenever it is flooded Wacuwash pish sáhkátôk tômakanash, qá wámi Cotá siposh kusucuwan nupi The hills will flood with milk, and all the rivers of Judah will flow with water.
tômwihto- VTI he saves it, preserves it nutômwihto I save it tômwihtôw s/he saves it kutômwihtomun you and I save it tômwihtotuk Let’s save it! sg : tômwihtawush Save it! pl : tômwihtawoq Save it! tômwihtôk that he saves it Tômwihtôw wicuw wuci yoht He saved the house from the fire.
-ton NI DEP mouth muton someone’s mouth mutonsh people’s mouths nutonuk in my mouth nuton my mouth wuton his/her mouth kuyonuwôwash your and my mouths muton someone’s mouth Wiyôko nunáwô sipok skok. Mihkunáw piyámáq wutonuk Yesterday I saw a snake in the river. He held a fish in his mouth.