Mohegan to English



pon- VTA he puts him, places him nuponô I place him ponáw he places him kuponômun you and I place him sg : ponsh Put him! pl : ponohq Put him! ponôt that he puts him K’payuk ponsh muks Put the wolf in the forest. Jesus Christ mus pon Tipi yohtuk Jesus Christ will put the Devil in the fire.
ponam- VTI he puts it nuponam I put it ponam S/he puts it kuponamumun you and I put it sg : ponamsh Put it! pl : ponamoq Put it! ponak that he puts it Ponam wáskicipuskquk; mutu sáhkinum kik She put it upon the top of a rock; she poured it not upon the ground.
pônaskihtawin NA a physician, doctor pônaskihtawinak doctors pônaskihtawinuk on the doctor Pônaskihtawin, nitskish kahak Physician, heal thyself.
pônaskihtuwásuwin NA a dispenser of medicine, a pharmacist pônaskihtuwásuwinak pharmacists pônaskihtuwásuwinuk on the pharmacist Suna mutu pônaskihtuwásuwin? Is there no dispenser of medicine?
pôpayik NI basket splint pôpayikansh splints pôpayikanuk at the splint Mucáq másqák pôpayik yotay There is no red splint here; Iyo, nis ôkutakansh másqákish pôpayikansh misum Now, give me two more red splints.
popowutáhuk NA drum popowutáhukanak drums popowutáhukanuk on the drum Popowutáhuk pásaw Bring the drum.
pôpsk NI a rock pôpskash rocks pôpskuk on the rock Qá pôpsqash sáhkimohutut pum siposh And the rocks poured out rivers of oil.
poqáh NA quahoq, round clam poqáhak clams poqáhuk on the clams Wôks wustow wôpum wuci poqáh ayáhsak Fox makes wampum from quahoq shells.
pôqus NA moth pôqusak moths pôqusuk on the moth Pôqus ayimushqisuw ônk wic The moth was bigger than his hand.
posikunáw- VTA he buries him, inters (him) nuposikunáwô I bury him posikunáw s/he buries him kuposikunáwômun you and I bury him sg : posikunáw bury him! pl : posikunôhq bury him! posikunáwutuk Let’s bury him! posikunáwôt that s/he buries him Kuposikunáwunônak niswi kocituwôkunônak nis taqôquk We buried both parents in two autumns.
posikunáwôk NI a burial posikunáwôkansh buryings posikunáwôkanuk at the burying Shwi posikunáwôkansh uspunawánsh tátupi kiskuk Three burials happened on the same day.
pôsutnasun- VTI he drags it over nupôsutnasun I drag it over pôsutnasun s/he drags it over kupôsutnasunumun you and I drag it over sg : pôsutnasunsh Drag it over! pl : pôsutnasunoq Drag it over! pôsutnasuk that he drags it over Wipi qaci wumushoy qá pôsutnasun takôkansh But he jumped off his canoe and dragged it over the mortars.
potá- VAI he blows, breathes heavily nupotá I blow potá he blows kupotámun you and I blow sg : potásh Blow! pl : potáq Blow! potát that he breathes heavily Potá sápahikanuk tápatôk He blows on the soup to cool it.
potawá- VAI he makes a fire nupotawá I make a fire potawá s/he makes a fire kupotawámun you and I make a fire potawátuk Let’s make a fire sg : potawásh Make a fire! pl : potawáq Make a fire! potawát that he makes a fire Pápoks kupotawámun Whenever it is winter we make a fire.
potôp NA whale potôpak whales potôpak in the whale Potôp mutu qutam inah The whale didn’t swallow the man.
pucuwanumu- VAI he is proud nupucuwanum I am proud pucuwanumuw s/he is proud kupcuwanumumun you and I are proud sg : pucuwanumush Be proud! pl : pucuwanumuq Be proud! pácuwanumut that he is proud Ki kupucuwanum You are proud. Kupcuwanumumun wuci kunicônunônak We are proud of our children.
pukut NI smoke pukuták in the smoke Nik yumwáy pukut My house is filled with smoke.
pukutiyá- VII there is smoke pukutiyá it smokes pukutiyásh they smoke pákutiyák when it smokes pákutiyáks whenever it smokes Môyiyam ahkik, qá nánukshak: musunum wacuwash, qá nishpákutiyáks He looks on the earth, and it trembles: he touchs the hills, and they smoke.
pum NI grease, oil, butter pumik in the grease Áhqi cikohtuw pum Don’t burn the oil.
pumiyotôk NI fence, (outdoor) wall pumiyotôkansh fences pumiyotôkanuk on fences Nukôni-pumiyotôk wustow wuci sunsh The old wall was made of stones.
pumôputiyôk NI toothache pumôputiyôkansh toothaches pumôputiyôkanuk in the toothache Pumôputiyôk áyuwi nutôhqamam mutu áyhkôsuyôn The toothache was so painful that I could not work.
pumôsuwi- VAI he swims nupumôsuwi I swim pumôsuwi s/he swims kupumôsuwimun you and I swim pumôsuwituk Let’s swim! sg : pumôsuwish Swim! pl : pumôsuwiq Swim! pámôsuwit that he swims Nipuks pumôsuwiwak Whenever it is summer they go swimming. K’thanuk mawi-pumôsuwituk Let’s go swimming at the ocean.
pumôtam- VAI he lives, is alive (not in the sense of ‘dwell’) nupumôtam I am alive pumôtam s/he lives kupumôtamumun you and I are alive pumôtamutuk Let’s live! sg : pumôtamsh Live! pl : pumôtamoq Live! pámôtak that he is alive Qá pish nuhsháw nuqut psuksihsah, ki wisquk wápisi pámôtak nupik And he must kill one small bird, in an earthen vessel above running (living) water. Jesus nupuw wáci mus pumôtamak Jesus died that we might live.
pumôtamuwôk NI life pumôtamuwôkansh lives pumôtamuwôkanuk in life Pumôtamuwôk yumwáy wuci sayakatomsh Life is full of mysteries.
pumshá- VAI he walks, walks along nupumshá I walk pumsháw s/he walks kupumshámun you and I walk sg : pumshásh walk! pl : pumsháq walk! pámshát that he walks Noah sôpwiyusiwin…qá Noah wici pumshamun Manto Noah was a just man…and Noah walked with God.