Mohegan to English



moh- VTA he eats him (something animate) numohô I eat him moháw s/he eats him kumohômun you and I eat him sg : moh Eat him! pl : mohohq Eat him! mohutuk Let’s eat him! mohôt that he eats him Qiqikum uyáw áhsupanah, “Askiqutamah mohwáwak qiqikumak!” Duck says to raccoon, “Ducks eat snails.”
mohci ADV certainly, sure, definitely Kiyawun mohci nik That is definitely us!
mohiks NA Mohegan, Mohegan Indian mohiksak Mohegans mohiksinak Mohegan men mohiksuk on Mohegans Áhsup natawaháw Mohiksah Raccoon visits a Mohegan, Nuqut Mohiks katumuw One Mohegan year. Yohkhik mô wustôwak Mohiksinak Mohegans used to make cornmeal.
môhshupsq NI a flint stone môhshupsqash flint stones môhshupsquk on the flint stone Pátawush môhshupsq potawát Bring the flint stone to start the fire.
mômansh ADV sometimes Mômansh nunatiniham ôkowi kisuq wuci kunasuwôk Sometimes I search beyond the sky for a sign.
mômôci- VAI he moves, stirs numômôci I move mômôci s/he moves kumômôcimun you and I move sg : mômôcish Move! pl : mômôciq Move! mômôcit that he moves Áhqi mámôciq Don’t move!
môpamuqáyu- VII it is brown môpamuqáyuw it is brown môpamuqáyush they are brown môpamuqák that it is brown môpamuqáks that they are brown Môpamuqáyuw yo pôhpaskôk This ball is brown. Môpamuqáyush yosh pôhpaskôkansh These balls are brown.
môpamuqisu- VAI he is brown numôpamuqis I am brown môpamuqisuw someone is brown kumôpamuqisumun you and I are brown môpamuqisut that he is brown Môpamuqusuw yo cits This bird is brown. Môpamuqusuwak yok citsak These birds are brown. Môpamuqusut cits misum Give me the brown bird!
mos NA moose mosak mooses mosuk on the moose Mos kôkci-awáyáhs The moose is a huge animal.
mosáyu- VII it is smooth mosáyuw it is smooth mosáyuwash they are smooth mosák that is is smooth mosáks whenever it is smooth Yo sun mosáyuw This stone is smooth.
môsk NI a fort, a stronghold môskansh forts môskanuk in the fort Na kiskuk wôk mus kupiyôquw wuci Assyria, tá môski mushotánash, tá wuci môsk nuh i sipo, tá kihtahan i kihtahan, tá wuci wacuw i wacuw In that day also he shall come even to thee from Assyria, and from the fortified cities, and from the fortress even to the river, and from sea to sea, and from mountain to mountain.
moski- VAI he arises, comes into existence, emerges, appears numoski I arise moski s/he comes into existence kumoskimun you and I emerge sg : moskish Appear! pl : moskiq Appear! moskituk Let’s arise! moskit when he emerges Moski wuci awan aqi cipay He emerged from the fog like a ghost.
moskimo- VII it arises, comes forth sáhkimo it arises sáhkimosh they arise sáhkimok when it arises sáhkimoks whenever it arises Nit moskimo kikitokawôk yáyôwi kinuki nákumôw Then there arose a reasoning among them.
môsôpi NI bead, wampum shell môsôpish beads môsôpik in beads Môsôpish nuponam kusawôkanuk I am putting beads on the skirt
môwáwi- VAI they gather themselves, assemble, congregate, attend church meeting numôwáwimun we gather (excl) kumôwáwimun we gather (incl) môwáwiwak they gather pl : môwáwiq Gather! môwáwicik that they gather Qá ôkatuq nukámun môwáwikamuq… And a cloud covered the tent of the congregation.
môwáwikamuq NI a gathering place, a church môwáwikamuqash churches môwáwikamuquk in the church Piyôsh i môwiwikamuq nôwáyuwan! Come to church!
moyahikaniw NA Mohegan, Mohegan Indian moyahikaniwak Mohegans moyahikaniwuk on the Mohegan Moyahikaniwak, numtâwimun Mohegans, we are many.
môyák NI cloth, garment, clothing, clothes môyákansh garments môyákanuk on the clothes Yo kucohkônak umôyákuwôwash. Nuqut môyák, nis môyákash Here are the dolls’ clothes. One garment, two garments.
môyhsh NA hen, female bird môyhshak hens môyhshuk on the hen Mukunumsh wômansh wuci môyhshak Gather eggs from the hens.
môyhsháks NA chicken môyhsháksak chickens môyhsháksuk on the chicken Môyusháksak nukatawi-samô I am going to feed the chickens.
môyikow NA medicine man, shaman môyikowak shamans môyikowuk in the shaman Numawi-pásawô Shaman I’ll go and get the shaman.
môyiyam- VTI he looks intently at it, observes it numôyiyam I look at it môyiyam s/he looks at it kumôyiyamumun you and I look at it môyiyamutuk Let’s look at it! sg : môyiyamsh Look at it! pl : ymôyiyamoq Look at it! môyiyak that he looks at it it Môyiyam ahkik, qá nanukshan: musunum wacuwash, qá nish pukutiyush He looketh on the earth, and it trembleth: he toucheth the hills, and they smoke.
môyiyaw- VTA he looks intently at, beholds him numôyiyawô I look at him môyiyaw s/he look at him kumôyiyawômun you and I look at him môyiyawutuk Let’s look at him! sg : môyiyaw Look at him! pl : môyiyôhq Look at him! môyiyawôt that he looks at him …qá nák qiyunak kisuquk naspi okatuq, qá umatáwah môniyáwak ...and they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them.
môyôhks NA ash tree môyôhksak ash trees môyôhksuk in the ash tree Pôpayikansh wucshá môyôhks The basket splints come from the ash tree.
-msihs NA DEP older sister numsihs my older sister numsihsak my older sisters numsihsuk on my older sister umsihsah his/her older sister kumsihsun our (yours xqx my) older sister Yok numihsihsak Donna tá Norma; qá yo nihsums Martha These are my older sisters Donna and Norma; and this is my younger sister Martha.