Mohegan to English



cimá- VAI he paddles or rows (a boat) nucimaw I paddle cimaw s/he paddles kucimanun you and I paddle sg : cimsh Paddle! pl : cimaq Paddle! cimat that he paddles Nit tôtáw nuqut wumushoyash, qá cimáw i kitakamuko Then he got one of his canoes, and paddled to the mainland.
cimak PART when (in questions only) Cimak mus kupiyô? When you will come?
cipay NA spirit, ghost (sometimes also used as 'devil') cipayak spirits cipayuk in the spirt Mut nuwikináwô skok cipay I don’t like to see the snake spirit.
cipsawôk NI astonishment cipsawôkanuk in the astonishment Wuwi, Manto! Kotunihtawush nucipsawôk Kik Oh, God! Increase my astonishment in Thee.
cipsayi ADV in astonishment, in amazement, amazedly Kunam wikuk cipsayi. S iwôpáyuw! He looked at his house in astonishment. It was blue!
cipshá- VAI he is confused, amazed nucipshá I am confused cipshá s/he is confused kucipshámun you and I are confused sg : cipshásh be confused! pl : cipsháq be confused cipshátuk Let’s be confused! cipshát that s/he is confused Qá tiyanuk yôksqáhs ômkiw, qá pumsháw. Qá cipshák mushi cipsháwôk And straightway the damsel arose, and walked; for she was of the age of twelve years. And they were astonished with a great astonishment.
cipsôtam- VTI he fears or is amazed by (it) nucipsôtam I fear it cipsôtam s/he fears it kucipsôtamumun you and I fear it sg : cipsôtamsh Fear it! pl : cipsôtamoq Fear it! cipsôtamhutut that they fear it Tani cipsôtam wuci mutáwi cáwhkish, qá wutayôtamuwôkansh wutamôtamôw Tani was astonished for many minutes, and his thoughts troubled him.
cipusq NI a single or detached rock or crag cipusqash crags cipusquk on the crag Sômi wáh kutakatamumun cipusquk, wôpantoh Because we might crash on the rocks, we wished for sunrise.
ciqunapu- VAI he is quiet, sits still nuciqunap I am quiet ciqunapuw s/he is sitting still kuciqunapumun you and I are sitting still sg : ciqunapsh sit still! pl : ciqunapuq sit still! ciqunaputuk let’s sit still! ciqunaput that s/he is quiet Mutu, mut mus kunáwuqun yotay, wipi ciqunapsh, skôt kumuskawuq! No, he won't see us here, but be quiet or he will find you!
ciskicohuwôk NI towel - 'hand-wiping tool' ciskicohuwôkansh towels ciskicohuwôkanuk on the towels Yo ciskicohuwôk, kohpskak nunshumsh Here is a towel, dry your hair.
citawiyu- VII it is stiff citawiyuw it is stiff citawiyush they are stiff citawiyuk that it is stiff citawiyuks that they are stiff Nit kátunum papaspi wicukansh, qá tiyanuk sáhcitawiyuw nuw qunôhtuq Then she drew it through her fingers, and immediately it became stiff like a spear.
cits NA bird citsak birds citsuk on the birds Siwôpisuw yo cits. Siwôpisuwak yok citsak This bird is blue. These birds are blue. Nuwikináwô citsak I love to see the birds.
ciwi ADV nearly, almost Ciwi pôhsqá, kaci numic nutináy sômi yôtumôn Nearly noon, I already ate my dinner because I was hungry.
côci PART must, have to Côci kusam kácuc wôk You must feed her hay also.
-côcitám NA DEP neighbor nucôcitám my neighbors kucôcitamuk on your neighbor Wômôs kucôcitám Love your neighbor.
côhtam- VTI he wants it (alternate spelling: ahcôhtam-) nucôhtam I want it côhtam s/he wants it kucôhtamumun you and I want it sg : côhtamsh want it! pl : côhtamoq want it! áhcôhtamhutut that they want it Kôkcik manotá nucôhtam I want the big basket. Nuks, nucôhtamumun Yes, we (exclusive) want it; Kucôhtam pôhputô? Do you want to play?; Kucôhtamumô námáq? Do you (plural) want to see it? Pitkôs côhtam áqunuk She wants to wear a dress. Kôkci Manto nanáwshipsuwin, mutu pish nucôhtam The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
cokát NI sugar cokátash sugars cokátuk in the sugar Kucoktun wucshá cuwkôyisuw wuci mitakpu mihtuq, qá mus áhciyuwôk Our sugar comes from the sap of the maple tree, and great exertion.
-côq NA DEP soul, spirit of a living person nucôq my soul kucôqunônak our souls mucôquk in someone’s soul wucôqah his/her soul Nápuk, wucôqah putuki Manto When he dies, his soul returns to God.
-côy NI DEP nose nucôy my nose mucôyash unknown people’s noses kucôyuk on your nose wucôy his/her nose mucôy indefinite possessor Kuski kucôy kucusumwuq Wash near your nose.
cuh INTERJ ho! look! ‘Cuh! Ish ni iyo,’ iwá Cáhnamit ‘Look! Do that now.’ said Cáhnamit.
cunáyu- VAI he is crazy nucunáy I am crazy cunáyuw s/he is crazy kucunáyumun you and I are crazy sg : cunáyush be crazy! pl : cunáyuq be crazy! cánáyut that s/he is crazy Nucunáy ! I am crazy! Cunáyuw áyôhtak mus tánikutiyáw sáp He is crazy thinking he can plant the house tomorrow.
cupáyu- VII it is (a) part cupáyuw it is a part cupáyush they are a part cápák when it is a part cápáhks when they are a part Nupuwôk cupáyuw pumôtamuwôk Death is a part of life.
cupayuwôk NI tribe cupayuwôkansh tribes cupayuwôkanuk in the tribe Iyo cupayuwôk ayihkôsikamukanuk kutapumun Here we are at the Tribal Office.
cupisakatôk NI milk curd cupisakatôkansh curds cupisakatôkanuk in the curds Qá mak kackáy cupisakatôk wici nákum, kotayáw mihtuq And taking a piece of curd with him, he began to climb a tree.
cupuwicuw NI room (of a house) 'house part' cupuwicuwash rooms cupuwicuwuk in the room Kaciyásh nucupuwicuw! Get out of my room!