Mohegan to English



áhci ADV exceedingly Wáh wáhtiyáwô ahci máhsuk wiyáwituwôk kutiyamôtiyônutuwôk uk wômôyásuwôk i kahakánônak He might show the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness towards us.
áhciyu- VAI he is diligent, makes effort, exerts himself nutáhciy I am diligent áhciyuw s/he is diligent kutáhciyumun you and I are diligent áhciyut that he is diligent áhciyuhutut that they are diligent Kucoktun wucshá mitakpu mihtuq, qá mus_áhciyu_wôk Our sugar comes from the maple tree, and great exertion.
-áhkas NA DEP mother [similar to earth and father] káhkasunônak our mothers náhkasuk on my mother náhkas my mother káhkas your mother wáhkas his/her mother náhkasun our mother wáhkasuw their mother Qutuyánum kohsh tá káhkas Honor your father and your mother. Sáhkinumhutut wucôquwôwah áhkasah pocináwuk …when their souls were poured out into their mothers’ bosom.
áhpihs NA apple (loan from English 'apples') áhpihsak apples áhpihsuk in the apple Mitsutuk wutáhumunsh, pôcumunsh, ta ahpihs Let’s eat strawberries, cranberries, and an apple.
áhqi PART don’t!, stop it! Áhqi mámôciq Don’t move!; Páwihsa, iyo áhqi ! Okay, now stop!
áhqi- VAI he stops (something), quits nutáhqi I stop áhqi s/he stops kutáhqimum you and I stop sg : áhqish Stop! pl : áhqiq Stop! áhqit that he stops Niwuci iyo áhqi niyuwantamoq, asu áhqi musqôhtamoq kahakáwôwak Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves.
áhqôhtam- VTI he forgives it nutáhqôhtam I forgive it áhqôhtam he forgives it kutáhqôhtamumun you and I forgive it sg : áhqôhtamsh Forgive it! pl : áhqôhtamoq Forgive it! áhqôhtamutuk Let’s forgive it! áhqôhtak that s/he forgives it Áhqôhtamsh numatôpáwôkunônash Forgive our sins…
áhqôhtamaw- VTA he forgives him nutáhqôhtamawô I forgive him áhqôhtamawáw s/he forgives him kutáhqôhtamawômun you and I forgive him sg : áhqôhtamaw forgive him! pl : áhqôhtamôhq forgive him! áhqôhtamawutuk Let’s forgive him! áhqôhtamawôt that s/he forgives him Áhqôhtamawum, kuwihqitumôsh Forgive me, please!
áhsam- VTA he feeds him, gives him food, provides for him nutáhsamô I feed him áhsamáw s/he feeds him kutáhsamômun you and I feed him sg : áhsam feed him! pl : áhsamohq feed him! áhsamutuk Let’s feed him! áhsamôt that s/he feeds him Nusamô awáyásak I am feeding the animals; Cáqan kusamôwunônak? What do we feed them? Mus kutáhsamôwôwak You (plural) will feed them; Pohpohs tá náhtiyá kutáhsam? Did you feed the cat and dog?; Nákum áhsamáw náhtiyáh She feeds the dog; Áhsamum! Feed me!; Áhsamunán! Feed us!; Áhsam! Feed him!
áhsit NI river áhsitash rivers áhsituk at the river Tumôhq apuw áhsituk The beaver is in the river.
-áhsuk NA DEP husband náhsukak my husbands náhsukuk on my husband náhsuk my husband wáhsukah her husband káhsukunônak yours and my husbands wáhsukuwôwah their husbands Náhsuk tá kohshuw nákum He is my husband and your father. Niyok witukusqáh nákum, tá wáhsukah She is my wife’s sister and her husband.
áhsup NA raccoon áhsupanak raccoons áhsupanuk on the raccoon Yo ihtôqat papômi áhsup this is a story about a raccoon. Cáqan micuwak áhsupanak? What do raccoons eat?
áhtá- VII it is located, it is at a place áhtá it is located áhtásh they are located áhták that it is located áhtáks that they are located Aqu piyôkut áhtá taspowôk The table is under the blanket; Wômansh áhtásh piyôkutuk The eggs are on the blanket.
-áhtámik NA DEP first born káhtámikanunônak our first borns náhtámikanuk on my first born wáhtámik his/her first born Náhtámik ayuw sqáhsihs My first born is a girl.
áhtôwi NUM second Sôcum nikuw ohshah áhtôwi námôn The chief was born his father’s second son.
ákowi ADV in vain, for no reason, futilely Ákowi numukunum wunipaqash I gather the leaves in vain.
ákup NI a little cove or creek akupsh coves ákupuk in the cove …qá wacônum nis mushoyash kuski ákupuk … and in a cove nearby he kept two canoes.
ámáwunam- VTI he takes it away nutámáwunam I take it away ámáwunam s/he takes it away kutámáwunamumun you and I take it away sg : ámáwunamsh take it away! pl : ámáwunamoq take it away! ámáwunamutuk Let’s take it away ámáwunak that s/he takes it away ‘Ámáwunamsh’ uyuwamow yo kunasuwôk This mark means to ‘take it away’
ánakshwá NI top of the tree ánakshwásh the tops of trees ánakshwák in the top of the tree Ponam wuwac ánakshwák She put her nest in the top of the tree.
ápasum NA an opossum ápasumak opposums ápasumuk on the opposum Ápasum wuniconah nayiyumuk The opposum carried her babies on her back.
áqátum- VTI he decorated it, garnished it nutáqátum I decorated it áqátum s/he decorated it kutáqátumun you and I decorated it sg : áqátumsh Decorate it! áqátumoq Decorate it! plural áqátumutuk Let’s decorate it! áqátuk that he decorates it áqátumhutut that they decorate it Wupitkôsonuk ayôpshay. Áqátum wuci isuwák môsôpish, tá ayáhsak. Her garment was buckskin. She decorated it with colored beads, and shells.
áskôn NA horn, antler áskônak antlers áskônuk on the antler Áskot áhta ayôp wutáskon The squash was on the buck’s his antler.
áskot NI squash, pumpkin áskotash pumpkins áskotuk on the squash Awán kutayunumôq áskotash mákunuman? Who will help you pick squash (pl)? Woy, mucáq áskot putukunik yo wáyôksuk! Oh, no pumpkin bread this evening
ásqam PART before, not yet Muskamsh nakum ásqam môci Find him before he goes away!
átamôkan NA dragonfly átamôkanak dragonflies átamôkanuk on the dragonfly Átamôkan towuw ciqunapi akômuk nupsapáq The dragonfly flew quietly across the pond.

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