Search Results "ôk"


ôk CONJ than Mutáwi sayakati cimáw aniya ôk ásqam, qá paswôsi aniyuhamôt yôpi He paddled harder than ever, and soon began to catch up again.

wôk PART also, too Nukôkicá wôk I am well too. Wutayunamaw wámi cáqansh, skitôpak, wôk He helps all things, people too.

aposu- VAI he cooks, bakes nutapos I cook aposuw s/he cooks kutaposumun you and I cook sg : aposush Cook! d pl : aposuq Cook! aposutuk let’s cook! áposut that he cooks Naspi yoht mô aposuwak sôp Mohiksinak Mohegans used to cook cornmeal mush on a fire. Kôkci nikômo kuwacônômun qá mámusi ayôp kutaposumun We will have a great feast and cook a whole buck.

aquniwôqat- VII it resembles, looks like aquniwôqat it looks like aquniwôqatash have it look like áquniwôqáhk it looks like áquniwôqáhks they look like Wacuw aquniwôqat nokunáhs The mountain resembles my grandfather.

inôk NI 1handle ‘what one holds with’ 2alternate: uyunôk) inôkansh handles inôkanuk on the handles Inôk sôyôqat The handle is cold.

kisutá- VII it is cooked, prepared for eating kisutáw it is cooked kisutásh they are cooked kisuták that it is cooked kisutáks whenever it is cooked Wuyôkpuwôk ciwi kisutáw nearly cooked.

môyiyam- VTI he looks intently at it, observes it numôyiyam I look at it môyiyam s/he looks at it kumôyiyamumun you and I look at it môyiyamutuk Let’s look at it! sg : môyiyamsh Look at it! pl : ymôyiyamoq Look at it! môyiyak that he looks at it it Môyiyam ahkik, qá nanukshan: musunum wacuwash, qá nish pukutiyush He looketh on the earth, and it trembleth: he toucheth the hills, and they smoke.

môyiyaw- VTA he looks intently at, beholds him numôyiyawô I look at him môyiyaw s/he look at him kumôyiyawômun you and I look at him môyiyawutuk Let’s look at him! sg : môyiyaw Look at him! pl : môyiyôhq Look at him! môyiyawôt that he looks at him …qá nák qiyunak kisuquk naspi okatuq, qá umatáwah môniyáwak …and they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them.

natáwôpamá- VTA he looks for or at him nunatáwôpamá I look for him natáwôpamáw s/he looks for him kunatáwôpamáwômun you and I look for him natáwôpamáwôtuk Let’s look for him! sg : natáwôpamáw Look for him! pl : natáwôpamáwohq Look for him! nátáwôpamáwôt that he looks for him Piyôt i wicuw, natáwôpamáw wiyokanah, wipi mutu muskawáw When he got to the house, he looked for his wife, but did not find her.

natáwôpu- VTI he looks for or at (it) nunatáwôp I look for it natáwôpuw s/he looks for it kunatáwôpumun you and I look for it natáwôputuk Let’s look for it! sg : natáwôpush Look for it! pl : natáwôpuq Look for it! nátáwôput that he looks for it Nit ô wikuk qá natáwôpuw papômi Then he went in and looked around.
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