Search Results "yáwut"


yáwut NUM fourth Yáwut nihtowôk áywi sayakat The fourth lesson was the hardest.

kuniyáw VTA he beholds someone nukuniyáwô I meet him kuniyáw s/he meets him kukuniyáwômun you and I meet him kuniyáwutuk Let’s meet him sg : kuniyáw Meet him! pl : kuniyáhq Meet him! kániyáwôt that he meets him Kuniyásh yo wuci wuyituwôk tá ôqinihuwawôk Manto Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God.

môyiyaw- VTA he looks intently at, beholds him numôyiyawô I look at him môyiyaw s/he look at him kumôyiyawômun you and I look at him môyiyawutuk Let’s look at him! sg : môyiyaw Look at him! pl : môyiyôhq Look at him! môyiyawôt that he looks at him …qá nák qiyunak kisuquk naspi okatuq, qá umatáwah môniyáwak …and they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them.

wômôyáw- VTA she loves him, is kind to him nuwômôyáwô I love him wômôyáw s/he loves him kuwômôyáwômun you and I love him sg : wômôyáw love him! pl : wômôyohq love him! wômôyáwutuk Let’s love him! wômôyáwôt that s/he loves him Wáhtôw wômôyáwôt, sômi wômôyáw He knows that she loves him, because she is kind to him.

natiniyáw- VTA he seeks him nunatiniyáwô I seek him natiniyáw s/he seeks him natiniyáwômun you and I seek him natiniyáwutuk Let’s seek him! sg : natiniyáw Seek him! pl : natiniyôhq Seek him! nátiniyôt that he seeks him Qá nusáhki natiniyáw Kawtántowit, Manto wáyônumôt And as long as he sought the Lord, God made him to prosper.