Search Results "wôtam-"


wôtam- VAI he is wise nuwôtam I am wise wôtam s/he is wise kuwôtamumun you and I are wise sg : wôtamásh Be wise! pl : wôtamáq Be wise! wôtamát that he is wise Nit sáhamwak wáh námwak áhta ayak, qá namihuw wáskitôpah apu situk qá wôtam Then they went out to see what was done, and found the man sitting at his feet and in his right mind.

wáwôtam- VAI he is careful, cunning, wise nuwáwôtam I am careful wáwôtam s/he is careful kuwáwôtamumun you and I wáwôtamutuk Let’s be careful! sg : wáwôtamsh Be careful! pl : wáwôtamoq Be careful! wáwôtak that he is careful Natotumsh sôcum; wáwôtam Ask the chief; he is wise.

piyawôtam- VTI he attains something, he comes to something nupiyawôtam I attain it piyawôtam s/he attains it kupiyawôtamumun you and I attain it piyawôtamutuk Let’s attain it! sg : piyawôtamsh Attain it! pl : piyawôtamoq Attain it! piyawôtaqak that he attains it Utáh kaci piyawôtamak, pumshátuk nôn qutuhikanuk To what we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule.

muskowôtam- VAI he rejoices, exults, is very glad; he is boastful nucáyhqatum I rejoice cáyhqatum s/he rejoices kucáyhqatumumun you and I rejoice sg : cáyhqatumsh Rejoice! pl : cáyhqatumoq Rejoice! cáyhqatumtuk let’s rejoice! cáyhqatuk that s/he rejoices Numuskowôtamumun nikuwôkanuk wunámônah We rejoiced at the birth of his son.

niyuwôtam- VAI he grieves, is sorrowful nuniyuwantam I grieve niyuwantam s/he grieves kuniyuwantamumun you and I grieve sg : niyuwantamsh Grieve! pl : niyuwantamoq Grieve! niyuwantamutuk Let us grieve! niyuwantak that s/he grieves Niwuci iyo áhqi niyuwantamoq, asu áhqi musqôhtamoq kahakáwôwak Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves.

niyuwôtam- VTI he grieves for it, is sorrowful over it nuniyuwôtam I grieve for it niyuwôtam he grieves for it kuniyuwôtamumun you and I grieve for it sg : niyuwôtamsh Grieve for it! pl : niyuwôtamoq Grieve for it! niyuwôtamutuk Let’s grieve for it! niyuwôtak that s/he grieves for it …niwuci niyuwantam wuci Davidah, niwuci ohshah ákacut for he grieved for David, because his father had done him shame.