Search Results "wôpáyu-"


wôpáyu- VII it is white wôpáyuw it is white wôpáyush they are white wôpák that it is white wôpáks that they are white Wôpáyuw yo pôhpaskôk. Wôpáyush yosh pôhpaskôkansh This ball is white. These balls are white. Wôpák pôhpaskôk misum Give me the white ball. Nis wôpáks pôhpaskôkansh misum Give me two white balls.

siwôpáyu- VII it is blue siwôpáyuw it is blue siwôpáyush they are blue siwôpák that it is blue siwôpáks that they are blue Siwôpáyuw yo pôhpaskôk. Siwôpáyush yosh pôhpaskôkansh This ball is blue. These balls are blue. Pôhpaskôk siwôpák mutu putuqáyuw The blue ball is not round.