Search Results "wáwôpaks"


wáwôpaks NI shirt wáwôpaksash shirts wáwôpaksuk on the shirt Katunumsh kuwáwôpaks qá nutôc’tiyáw Take off your shirt and I will mend it.

katunum- VTI he takes off clothing nukatunum I undress katunum s/he undresses kukatunumumun you and I undress katunumak they undress sg : katunumsh Undress! pl : katunumoq Undress! Katunumutuk Let’s undress! kátunuk that they undress Katunumsh kuwáwôpaks qá nutôc’tiyáw Take off your shirt and I will mend it.

ôc’tiyá- VTI he mends it nutôc’tiyáw I mend it ôc’tiyáw she mends it kutôc’tiyáwumun you and I mend it ôc’tiyátuk Let’s mend it! sg : ôc’tiyásh Mend it! pl : ôc’tiyáq Mend it! ôc’tiyák that he mends it Katunumsh kuwáwôpaks qá nutôc’tiyáw Take off your shirt and I will mend it.