Search Results "wámi"


wámi PART all, every Qá pásowawaw wámi máhcunáhutut skitôpak ôkapuniyá naspi piyowi inuniyáwôkansh tá ôqamámowôkansh They brought unto him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments. Wámi cáqansh iwák Manto wustôw yush All things say God made them.

skitôp NA person skitôpák, people skitôpák on a person Wámi skitôpák All the people. Awán yo skitôp Who is this person? Qá pásowawaw wámi máhcunáhutut skitôpak ôkapuniyá naspi piyowi inuniyáwôkansh tá ôqamámowôkansh They brought unto him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments. Nik skitôpák cáhci tápi iwák mutáwi, iwák mut wimonáyuw uy iwák Those people who can say much, half of what they say is not true as they say it.

ni DEM that, those (inanimate) nish those Ni misum Give me that; Wámi nish misum Give me all of those.

wikco- VAI he is good-looking, handsome, pretty nuwikco I am handsome wikco s/he is handsome kuwikcomun you and I are handsome wikcotuk Let’s be pretty! sg : wikcosh Be pretty! pl : wikcoq Be pretty! wikcot that he is handsome Wámi wikcupanik They were all so handsome. _Aspumi_ kuwikcumun We are _still_ good looking. Mut nuwikináwô skok cipay. Piyámáq wikco I do not like to see the snake spirit. The fish is handsome.

yo DEM this, these (animate) yok these yoh obviative Wámi nunicônak yok These are all my children. Musqisuw yo cits. Musqisuwak yok citsak This bird is red. These birds are red. Yok skitôpak mutáwiwak These people are many. Yo yôpôwi kisusq tápi nunáwô This morning I can see the sun.

qihtam- VTI he is afraid of it, fears it nuqihtam I am afraid qihtam s/he is afraid kuqihtamumun you and I are afraid sg : qihtamsh Be afraid! pl : qihtamoq be afraid qihtak that he is afraid Wámi cáqansh qihtam He is afraid of everything. Manto wikuw, mut cáqan nuqihtam nipôwi God is good, nothing I fear at night.

qushá- VTA he is afraid of him, fears him nuqshô I am afraid of him qusháw s/he is afraid of him kuqshômun you and I are afraid of him qushátuk Let’s be afraid of him sg : qush Be afraid of him! pl : qushohq Be afraid of him! qáshôt that he is afraid of him Wámi skitôpáh qusháw He is afraid of everybody. Nuks, wôcak nuqshô Yes, I am afraid of everyone. Na wáskitôp sôpwisuw qá qáshôt Mantoh That man was upright and feared God. Manto wikuw. Nukawi; mut cáqan piyô mô nuqshôwak God is good. I slept; nothing came that I fear.

wuyinihiyán- VTA he does good for another nuwuyinihiyánô I do good for him wuyinihiyánáw s/he does good for him kuwuyinihiyánômun you and I do good for him wuyinihiyának they do good for him wuyinihiyánôtuk let’s do good for him! sg : wuyinihiyán Do good for him! pl : wuyinihiyánohq Do good for him! wuyinihiyánôt that he does good for him Wuyinihiyánôtuk wámi Let us do good to all men.

pupiq NI flute, musical instrument pupiqansh flutes pupiqanuk on the flute Pupiq pátawush Bring a flute. Wámi pupiqansh pátawoq Bring all the flutes, you all.

ayu- VAI he is, exists (not used with location) nutay I am ayuw s/he is kutayumun you and I are sg : ayush Be! pl : ayuq Be! áyut that s/he is Tôn kutay? How are you? Kôkci Manto iwa ‘Nutay Áyuyôn.’ The Great Spirit said, ‘I am that I am.’ Manto ayuw wámi pômkokik God exists in all the world.
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