Search Results "wuyôkpuwôk"


wuyôkpuwôk NI supper ‘evening eating’ wuyôkpuwôkansh suppers wuyôkpuwôkanuk at supper Wuyôkpuwôk ciwi kisutáw Supper is nearly cooked.

kisutá- VII it is cooked, prepared for eating kisutáw it is cooked kisutásh they are cooked kisuták that it is cooked kisutáks whenever it is cooked Wuyôkpuwôk ciwi kisutáw nearly cooked.

wikáyuwôk NI a sweet, something sweet wikáyuwôkansh sweets wikáyuwôkanuk in the sweets Wikáyuwôk wuci kisi wuyôkpuwôk a sweet for after dinner Nuwikimic wikáyuwôkansh I like to eat sweets.

kisi- PREV after, finished, completed Wikáyuwôk wuci _kisi_ wuyôkpuwôk A sweet for after dinner.

wuskin NA youth, young man wuskinak young men wuskinuk on the youth Shwi wuskinak piyô wuci wuyôkpuwôk sáp Three young men are coming for dinner tomorrow.