Search Results "wus"


wus NI edge, rim, hem wusásh edges wusák on the edge Wus wuci wukusawôk nuskinôqat The hem of her skirt is dirty. Páhquyuwôk áhtá wusák wuci tatamwáwic A break is on the rim of the cup.

kawus NI a thorn, a briar kawusash thorns kawusuk on the thorns Kawusash áhta yosh kihcáwôkanuk Thorns are on those plants.

wusámi ADV too, extremely, very greatly Cáhnamit uwisuwôk, wusámi wikimicuwin, wusámipowin His name was Cáhnamit, he loves to eat too much, the glutton.

wusápi ADV thinly …asu wásapi tukunikash susiqunumuk pum or wafers anointed with oil.

wuski- INIT new Iyo wôk wápino _wuski_ kihtasot Egypt Now there arose a new king over Egypt.

wuskin NA youth, young man wuskinak young men wuskinuk on the youth Shwi wuskinak piyô wuci wuyôkpuwôk sáp Three young men are coming for dinner tomorrow.

wusômi PART 1too much, too many, too 2(not too in the sense of also) Wuták nitay wusômi kumushakimô kiyaw nis! Áyuwi piwsihsuq You two are too big behind there! Make yourselves smaller.

wusqat NI walnut tree wusqatash walnut trees wusqatuk in the walnut tree Wusqatômunak apqôsuw ki aqu wusqat Walnuts covered the ground under the walnut tree.

wusqik NI book, letter, writing wusqikansh books wusqikanuk in the book Qá wusqik wuci nuw’sintamawôkanun nupáto, wáci nôhtuyuyak inkôtôkansh And I brought our wedding book to show you the pictures. Kunamsh, mukacuks uwusqikansh nitay Look, there are the boy’s books. Côci awân ayuw nánuk, iwá Manto wusqikanuk Manto Everyone must be likewise, says God in God’s book.

wusto- VTI he makes it nuwusto, nosto I make it wustow s/he makes it kuwustomun, kostomun you and I make it sg : wustawush Make it! pl : wustawoq Make it! wástoyôn that I make it wástôk that he makes it Yo yôpôwik nuwusto nusôp This morning I made my cornmeal mush; Nunánu mô wustôw sôp My grandmother used to make cornmeal mush. Wámi cáqansh iwák Manto wustôw yush All things say God made them.
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