Search Results "wiyôk"


wiyôk NI dish, plate wiyôkansh dishes wiyôkanuk in the dishes Taspowôkanuk pish sipakinumak onônak qá wuponamunáw wiyôkansh, tá kiyamôk, tá wisqash, tá ôqhikash nishnuw apqôsuwash Upon the table they shall spread a blue cloth, and thereon the dishes, and the spoons, and the bowls and covers to cover each one.

wiyôko ADV yesterday Kupqat, mucáq kon kisusq pátôhtá wiyôko Cloudy day, snow gone at sun rising yesterday.

-iyok NA DEP wife niyok my wife niyokanak my wives niyokanuk on my wife wiyokanah his wife kiyokanunônak your and my wives wiyokanuwôwah their wives Niyok witukusqáh nákum, tá wáhsukah She is my wife’s sister and her husband.

skok NA snake skokak snakes skokuk on the snake Wiyôko nunáwô sipok skok. Mihkunáw piyámáq wutonuk Yesterday I saw a snake in the river. He held a fish in his mouth.

-ton NI DEP mouth muton someone’s mouth mutonsh people’s mouths nutonuk in my mouth nuton my mouth wuton his/her mouth kuyonuwôwash your and my mouths muton someone’s mouth Wiyôko nunáwô sipok skok. Mihkunáw piyámáq wutonuk Yesterday I saw a snake in the river. He held a fish in his mouth.

nush PRON which (not in a question) …as nush wiyokanah mutu wáhtôk cáqan i, asu totay áyôt during which his wife did not know what he did, or where he went.

natáwôpamá- VTA he looks for or at him nunatáwôpamá I look for him natáwôpamáw s/he looks for him kunatáwôpamáwômun you and I look for him natáwôpamáwôtuk Let’s look for him! sg : natáwôpamáw Look for him! pl : natáwôpamáwohq Look for him! nátáwôpamáwôt that he looks for him Piyôt i wicuw, natáwôpamáw wiyokanah, wipi mutu muskawáw When he got to the house, he looked for his wife, but did not find her.

sôhsuni- VAI he is tired, weary nusôhsuni I am tired sôhsuni s/he is tired kusôhsunimun you and I are tired sg : sôhsunish Be tired! pl : sôhsuniq Be tired! sôhsunit that he is tired Nocshá Palmertown wiyôko, winu nusôhsuni macush wuyôksuw I went to Palmertown yesterday, I was extremely tired last evening.

ôqhasuwôk NI that which makes a cover or covers ôqhasuwôkansh covers ôqhasuwôkanuk on the cover Qá pish kutayum wiyôkansh tá ôqhasuwôkansh naspi wikuk gold And you shall make dishes and covers with pure gold.

ayôtam VAI he thinks, purposes, wills nutayôtam I think ayôtam s/he thinks kut ayôtamumun you and I think sg : ayôtamsh Think! pl : ayôtamuq Think! áyôtamut that s/he thinks Nutayôtam, niwuci, nutay I think, therefore, I am. Kôkci kucohkônah takamáw aqu shayuk, áyôhtak wuw áyut wiyokanah He struck the large doll that was under the robes, thinking that it might be his wife.
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