Search Results "wipi"


wipi CONJ only, but, rather, instead (indicates sharper contrast than qut) Qunimunhanuk nitay apupanik ôtay, wipi iyo apuwak yotay Mohiksuk They lived there on Long Island then, but now they live here in Mohegan.

ciskicohuwôk NI towel – ‘hand-wiping tool’ ciskicohuwôkansh towels ciskicohuwôkanuk on the towels Yo ciskicohuwôk, kohpskak nunshumsh Here is a towel, dry your hair.

qut CONJ but (indicates less sharp contrast than wipi) Nutuy kotumcáwin, qut mutu wikôtam I told the teacher, but he didn’t like it.

táyôhqusu- VAI he is short nutáyôhqus I am short táyôhqusuw s/he is short kutáyôhqusumun you and I are short táyôhqusutuk Let’s be short! sg : táyôhqusush Get short! pl : táyôhqusuq Be short! táyôhqusut that he is short Táyôhqusuw wipi mihkikut He is short but strong.

nuskinôqat- VII it is dirty, unclean nuskinôqat it is dirty nuskinôqatash they are dirty náskinôqáhk that it is dirty náskinôqáhks that it is dirty Wipi nuskinôqat yo punitôk But this knife is dirty; Nicish niskiniwôqatash My hands are dirty.

puqi NI dust, ashes puqiyuk in the dust Mucaq asqshôk wik wipi puqi Nothing remained of his home, but ashes.

punitôk NI knife punitôkansh knives punitôkanuk on the knife Wipi niskiniwôqat yo punitôk But this knife is dirty! Iyo punitôkansh misum Now give me the knives.

-táh NI DEP heart nutáh my heart mutáhash some people’s hearts nutáhuk in my heart wutáh his/her heart mutáh someone’s heart Yo mutah mutu nutah…wipi kutah This heart is not my heart…but your heart. Nutáh kupáyuw, ni yáyuw My heart is closed, it is so. Qá Kawtántowit pish na nitay anunumáwuquw nanukshayi mutáh, tá sáwiks muskisuqash but the Lord shall give thee there a trembling heart, and failing of eyes…

qiksomu- VAI he whistles, hisses nuqiksom I whistle qiksomuw s/he whistles kuqiksomumun you and I whistle sg : qiksomush Whistle! pl : qiksomuq Whistle! qiksomutuk Let’s whistle! qiksomut that he whistles Mutu tápi kutomá, wipi tápi qiksomuw He cannot sing, but he can whistle.
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