Search Results "wihqsh"


wihqsh NI the end, the utmost limit wihqshash the limits wihqshuk on the limit Wuci wihqsh pasuq wuyupaw yin wihqshuk ôkutak, páyaqisqanákát From the uttermost part of the one wing to the uttermost part of the other were ten-cubits.

wihqshiyá- VII it reaches to, ends at wihqshiyát it reaches to wihqshiyásh they reach to wihqshiyáhk when it reaches to wihqshiyáhks whenever it reaches to Qá susupáwôk i sáhwushá yaqi kihtahanuk qá wihqshiyáw sipuk And their border went up toward the sea and reached to the river.

-isqanákát FINAL a unit of measurement the length of the hand to the elbow [a cubit] preceded by a number Wuci wihqsh pasuq wuyupaw yin wihqshuk ôkutak, páyaq _isqanákát_ From the uttermost part of the one wing to the uttermost part of the other were ten-cubits.