Search Results "upihsháw"


upihsháw NI flower upihsháwônsh flowers upihsháwônuk on the flower Upihsháw namsh! Look at the flower! Qucimôtamsh upihsháwansh Smell the flowers!

muyôtam- VTI he smells it, senses its smell (involuntarily) numuyôtam I smell it muyôtam s/he smells it kumuyôtamumun you and I smell it máyôtak that he smells it máyôtamhutut that they smell it Numuyôtam upihsháwansh I am smelling the flowers. Muyôtam sqá yoht The woman is smelling the fire.

qucimôtam- VTI he smells it (deliberately), sniffs it nuqucimôtam I sniff it qucimôtam s/he smells it kuqucimôtamun you and I smell it qucimôtamutuk Let’s smell it! sg : qucimôtamsh Sniff it! pl : qucimôtamq Sniff it! qácimôtak that he sniffs it Qucimôtamsh upihsháwansh Smell the flowers!

kacihto- VTI he finishes it nukacihto I finish it kacihtôw s/he finishes it kukacihtomun you and I finish it sg : kacihtawush Finish it! pl : kacihtawoq Finish it! kácihtôk when he finishes it Upihsháw, tápi yo kukacihto? Blossom, can you finish this? Tápáks kukacihtomun Whenever it is enough, we are done.

wimôqat- VII it smells good wimôqat it smells good wimôqatash they smell good wimôqahk that it smells good wimôqahks that they smell good Pátôk upihsháwônsh, nik wimôqat Whenever he brings flowers, my house smells good.