Search Results "tatô"


tatô PART ‘I don’t know’ Tatô. Cáqan micuwak áhsupanak? I don’t know. What do raccoons eat?

pun NA potato punák potatoes punuk on potatoes Wámi cáqansh wikuwak punák tá wiwáhcumunsh All things are good (like) potatoes and corn.

wiwáhcum NI corn, Indian corn (usually used in plural) wiwáhcumunsh corn wiwáhcumunuk in the corn Yosh wiwáhcumunsh, yo áskot, yosh masqusitsh Here is corn, here is a squash, here are some beans. Wámi cáqansh wikuwak, punák tá wiwáhcumunsh All things are good, potatoes and corn.

Kawtántowit NA the Creator, the spiritual force of the universe Káwtántowituk in Káwtántowit Káwtántowit kukis’huwáwuqun; Manto kutatohumuqun Káwtántowit made us; Manto owns us. Qá Kawtántowit pish na nitay anunumáwuquw nanukshayi mutáh, tá sáwiks muskisuqash but the Lord shall give thee there a trembling heart, and failing of eyes…

Manto NA God Mantok in God Káwtántowit kukis’huwáwuqun; Manto kutatohumuqun Káwtántowit made us; Manto owns us. Manto wikuw God is good. Manto kôkci, mutáwi wikuw God is very great, he is exceedingly good.