Search Results "tam-"


tam- VTI he says to it, calls it nutam I say to it tam s/he says to it kutamumun you and I say to it sg : tamsh Call it! pl : tamoq Call it! támak that he says to it Cáqan kutam i pasksháhsak mihtuq? What do you say to the fallen tree?

notam- VAI he hears nunotam I hear notam s/he hears notamumun you and I hear sg : notamsh Hear! pl : notamuq Hear! notamut that s/he hears Niwuci Manto yo wunotamunáyup, qá musqôhtamup Therefore God heard this, and was wroth.

putam- VTI he hears it nuputam I hear it putam s/he hears it kuputamumun you and I hear it sg : putamsh Hear it! pl : putamoq Hear it! pátak that he hears it Nuputam Mátáhkát Ôkát wuci nik, pápiqát I hear Dancing Shadow from my home, when he plays the flute.

qutam- VTI he swallows it nuqutam I swallow it qutam s/he swallows it kuqutamumun you and I swallow it qutamutuk Let’s swallow it! sg : qutamsh Swallow it! pl : qutamoq Swallow it! qátak that he swallows it Côci qutam masktin kôkicák He must swallow the medicine to be well.

wôtam- VAI he is wise nuwôtam I am wise wôtam s/he is wise kuwôtamumun you and I are wise sg : wôtamásh Be wise! pl : wôtamáq Be wise! wôtamát that he is wise Nit sáhamwak wáh námwak áhta ayak, qá namihuw wáskitôpah apu situk qá wôtam Then they went out to see what was done, and found the man sitting at his feet and in his right mind.

côhtam- VTI he wants it (alternate spelling: ahcôhtam-) nucôhtam I want it côhtam s/he wants it kucôhtamumun you and I want it sg : côhtamsh want it! pl : côhtamoq want it! áhcôhtamhutut that they want it Kôkcik manotá nucôhtam I want the big basket. Nuks, nucôhtamumun Yes, we (exclusive) want it; Kucôhtam pôhputô? Do you want to play?; Kucôhtamumô námáq? Do you (plural) want to see it? Pitkôs côhtam áqunuk She wants to wear a dress. Kôkci Manto nanáwshipsuwin, mutu pish nucôhtam The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.

kihtam- VTI listen to it (alternative spelling: kuhkitam-) nukihtam I listen to it kihtam s/he listens to it kukihtamumun you and I listen to it kihtamutuk Let’s listen to it sg : kihtamsh Listen to it! pl : kihtamoq Listen to it! kihtak that he listens to it Piyôsh, kihtamsh yo ihtôqat Come here, listen to this story.

qihtam- VTI he is afraid of it, fears it nuqihtam I am afraid qihtam s/he is afraid kuqihtamumun you and I are afraid sg : qihtamsh Be afraid! pl : qihtamoq be afraid qihtak that he is afraid Wámi cáqansh qihtam He is afraid of everything. Manto wikuw, mut cáqan nuqihtam nipôwi God is good, nothing I fear at night.

quctam- VTI he tastes it (deliberately), tries the taste of it nuquctam I taste it quctam s/he tastes it kuquctamun you and I taste it sg : quctamsh Taste it! pl : quctamq Taste it! qáctak that he tastes it Sápahik wikun. Quctamsh! The soup is good. Taste it!
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