Search Results "sômi"


sômi CONJ because, because of Manto wikuw sômi wáhtôw wámi cáqansh God is good because he knows all things.

wusômi PART 1too much, too many, too 2(not too in the sense of also) Wuták nitay wusômi kumushakimô kiyaw nis! Áyuwi piwsihsuq You two are too big behind there! Make yourselves smaller.

sôhká- VAI he wins, triumphs nusôhká I win sôhká s/he wins kusôhkámun you and I win sg : sôhkásh Win! pl : sôhkáq Win! sôhkátuk Let’s win! sôhkát that he wins Kusôhká somi nipuwan You triumph when you stand up.

sakôyi NI tree in blossom sakôyish trees in blossom sakôyik in the blossoming trees Máhci wôpusákáyuw wuci pupon, pômkoki isuwáyuw wici sakôyish After the gray of winter, the world is colored with trees in blossom .

nuqutukiyun NA an only child, son or daughter nunuqutukiyun my only child kunuqutukiyununônak our only children nunuqutukiyunuk on my only child …sômi ayuw nunuqutukiyun for he is mine only child.

ohq NA worm, maggot ohqák maggots ohqák on the maggot Wusômi ohqák ayuw wiyawhsuk Too many maggots are in the meat.

wikôtam- VTI he likes it, enjoys it nuwikôtam I like it wikôtam s/he likes it kuwikôtamumun you and I like it sg : wikôtamsh Like it! pl : wikôtamôq Like it! wikôtak that he likes it Nuwikôtamumun nátawahuqiyak We enjoy it when they visit. Sômi wátukák, mut nuwikôtam Because it is wet, I do not like it.

wutukáyu- VII it is wet wutukáyuw It is wet wutukáyush they are wet wátukák that it is wet wátukáks that they are wet Yo yák wutakáyuw The sand is wet. Sômi wátukák, mut nuwikôtam Because it is wet, I do not like it.

qusuqan- VII it is heavy qusuqan it is heavy qusuqansh they are heavy qásuqak that it is heavy qásuqaks whenever it is heavy Qusuq wusômi qusuqan áspunuk The rock was too heavy to lift .

wômôyáw- VTA she loves him, is kind to him nuwômôyáwô I love him wômôyáw s/he loves him kuwômôyáwômun you and I love him sg : wômôyáw love him! pl : wômôyohq love him! wômôyáwutuk Let’s love him! wômôyáwôt that s/he loves him Wáhtôw wômôyáwôt, sômi wômôyáw He knows that she loves him, because she is kind to him.
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