Search Results "sôcum"


sôcum NA chief, sachem sôcumôk sachems sôcumôk in the sachem Wôkumohq sôcum áhtáwôkanuk witupôhtak Salute the chief in the place that is sacred.

wáwôtam- VAI he is careful, cunning, wise nuwáwôtam I am careful wáwôtam s/he is careful kuwáwôtamumun you and I wáwôtamutuk Let’s be careful! sg : wáwôtamsh Be careful! pl : wáwôtamoq Be careful! wáwôtak that he is careful Natotumsh sôcum; wáwôtam Ask the chief; he is wise.

áhtôwi NUM second Sôcum nikuw ohshah áhtôwi námôn The chief was born his father’s second son.

witupôhtam- VII it is holy, sacred, blessed witupôhtam it is holy witupôhtamsh they are holy witupôhtak that it is holy witupôhtaks that they are holy Wôkumohq sôcum áhtáwôkanuk witupôhtak Salute the chief in the place that is sacred.

wôkum- VTA he greets him, salutes him, embraces him nuwôkumá I greet him owôkumá, you and s/he greets him kuwôkumômun I greet him wôkumutuk Let’s greet him! sg : wôkum Greet him! pl : wôkumohq Greet him! wôkumôt that he greets him Wôkumohq sôcum áhtáwôkanuk witupôhtak Salute the chief in the place that is sacred.