Search Results "shay"


shay NA hide, skin shayak hides shayuk on the hide nushay my hide wushayah his/her hide Quniq wushay yohkáyuw The doe’s hide is soft.

sháyum- VTA he hates him nusháyumô I hate him sháyumáw s/he hates him kusháyumômun you and I hate him sg : sháyum Hate him! pl : sháyumohq Hate him! sháyumôt that he hates him Ki kusháyumô You are hateful.

ayôpshay NA buckskin ayôpshayák buckskins ayôpshayuk on the buckskin Wupitkôsonuk ayôpshay ôkhuk wuci isuwák môsôpish, tá ayáhsak Her garment was buckskin, covered with colored beads, and shells.

musháyu- VII it is big, large musháyuw it is big musháyush they are big máhshák that it is big máhsháks that they are big Piyôq i máshák wiqam nikômo Come to the big wigwam feast!

cáhsháyuwôk NI family cáhsháyuwôkansh families cáhsháyuwôkanuk in a family Nucáhsháyuwôk nákumôw They are my family; Inkôtôk wici wámi kucáhsháyuwôkanun wustawutuk Let’s build a picture of our entire family; Qutôsk nunicônak apuwak yo cáhsháyuwôkanuk These are the six children in this family.

nanukshayi- VAI he is trembling, trembles nunanukshayi I tremble nanukshayi s/he trembles kunanukshayimum you and I tremble sg : nanukshayish Tremble! pl : nanukshayiq Tremble! nanukshayit that he trembles Qá Kawtántowit pish na nitay anunumáwuquw nanukshayi mutáh, tá sáwiks muskisuqash but the Lord shall give thee there a trembling heart, and failing of eyes…

quniq NA doe, female deer quniqák does quniqák on the doe Quniq wushay yohkáyuw The doe’s hide is soft.

yohkáyu- VII it is soft yohkáyuw it is soft yohkáyush they are soft yohkák that it is soft yohkáks that they are soft Quniq wushay yohkáyuw The doe’s hide is soft.

sakipowáw- VTA he bites him nusakipowáwô I bite him sakipowáw s/he bites him kusakipowáwômun you and I bite him sakipowutuk Let’s bite him! sg : sakipow Bite him! pl : sakipôhq Bite him! sakipowôt that he bites him Sakipowáw shay wástôk yohkáks She bites the hide to make it soft.

muqs NA awl muqsak awls muqsuk on the awl Tápi kosto puqish shayuk naspi muqs You can make holes in the hide with an awl.
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