Search Results "qipiwôk"


qipiwôk NI a turning, a conversion qipiwôkansh conversions qipiwôkanuk in the conversion Papaspushák Phinus tá Samayiya wututatum qipiwôkansh wuci Gintuys They passed through Phenice and Samaria declaring the conversions of the Gentiles.

tukunik NI bread tukunikansh breads tukunikanuk on the bread nututatum I declare tutatum s/he declares kututatumumun you and I declare tutatumak they declare sg : tutatumsh Declare! pl : tutatumoq Declare! tátatuk that he declares Papaspushák Pinus tá Samayiya wututatum qipiwôkansh wuci Kintuys They passed through Phenice and Samaria declaring the conversions of the Gentiles.