Search Results "pásuq"


pásuq NUM hundred Wánuks apuw yotay yaw-pásuq katumuwash The white man has been here four hundred years.

pasuqi- VAI he gets up, arise nupasuqi I get up pasuqi s/he gets up kupasuqimun you and I get up sg : pasuqish Get up! pl : pasuqiq Get up! pásuqit that he gets up Wôcak, pasuqiq Everyone, get up.

mikiskutu- VAI he is lazy numikiskut I am lazy mikiskutuw s/he is lazy kumikiskutumun you and I are lazy mikiskututuk Let’s be lazy! sg : mikiskutush Be lazy! pl : mikiskutuq Be lazy! mikiskutut that he is lazy Mikiskutut pasuq nukayáw The lazy one is left behind.

kucohkôn NA a doll, a statue kucohkônak dolls kucohkônuk on the doll …qut nuqut kucohkôn wustôw kiht-máhshák ôk ôkutakansh …but one doll was made larger than the rest. Ciqunapi, kucshunsh sáhwustow kucohkônak Quietly, she set about making some dolls. Náwôwak kucohkônah qá ô yaqi pásuq He saw the dolls and went towards one.

putákham- VTI he covers it over, hides it by covering nuputákham I cover it up putákham s/he covers it up kuputákhamumun you and I cover it up sg : putákhamsh Cover it up! pl : putákhamoq Cover it up! putákhak that he cover it up Kôkci-pásuq ponáw apunuk, qá putákham wuci shayak The large one she put in bed, and covered it up with robes.

tiyanuk ADV presently, immediately, quickly Pasuq ôpsusupôkamuquk wuták nákum tiyanuk sahonoyôn Immediately the one against the wall behind him began to scream.

wihqsh NI the end, the utmost limit wihqshash the limits wihqshuk on the limit Wuci wihqsh pasuq wuyupaw yin wihqshuk ôkutak, páyaqisqanákát From the uttermost part of the one wing to the uttermost part of the other were ten-cubits.

onon- VAI he screams, yells, howls like a wild animal nutonon I scream onon s/he screams kutononun you and I scream ononutuk Let’s scream! ononsh Scream! pl : ononoq Scream! ononak that he screams Kôkci kucohkôn nit onon aniya ôk mushôtowi ôkutakanakah The large doll then screamed louder than the others. Qipit kánawôt nuqut kucohkônah, pásuq wuták nákum ayôtam ononak Every time he turned to look at one doll, the one that was behind him would scream.

-isqanákát FINAL a unit of measurement the length of the hand to the elbow [a cubit] preceded by a number Wuci wihqsh pasuq wuyupaw yin wihqshuk ôkutak, páyaq _isqanákát_ From the uttermost part of the one wing to the uttermost part of the other were ten-cubits.