Search Results "pitkôs"


pitkôs NI woman’s dress pitkôsonsh dresses pitkôsonuk on the dress Pitkôs asu kusawôk côhtam áqunuk? Does she want to wear a dress or a skirt? Nupitkôs, upitkôs My dress, her dress.

aqu- VAI he is clothed, dressed, gets dressed, wears (something) nutaq I am dressed aquw s/he is dressed kutaqumun you and I sg : aqush Get dressed! pl : aquq Get dressed! áqut that he is dressed Pitkôs côhtam áqunuk She wants to wear a dress. Mukacuks aquw wáci kon The boy is dressed for snow.

aqunum- VTI he puts it on (of clothes), wears it nutaqunum I wear it aqunum he wears it kutaqunumumun you and I wear it sg : aqunumsh Wear it! pl : aqunumoq Wear it! áqunuk that he wears it Cáqan átwun côci aqunum? Which pants should he wear? Pitkôs côhtam áqunuk She wants to wear a dress. Yo, aqunumsh ni. Here, put it on.

côhtam- VTI he wants it (alternate spelling: ahcôhtam-) nucôhtam I want it côhtam s/he wants it kucôhtamumun you and I want it sg : côhtamsh want it! pl : côhtamoq want it! áhcôhtamhutut that they want it Kôkcik manotá nucôhtam I want the big basket. Nuks, nucôhtamumun Yes, we (exclusive) want it; Kucôhtam pôhputô? Do you want to play?; Kucôhtamumô námáq? Do you (plural) want to see it? Pitkôs côhtam áqunuk She wants to wear a dress. Kôkci Manto nanáwshipsuwin, mutu pish nucôhtam The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.

kusawôk NI skirt kusawôkansh skirts kusawôkanuk on the skirt Pitkôs asu kusawôk côhtam áqunuk? Does she want to wear a dress or a skirt? Môsôpish nuponam kusawôkanuk I am putting beads on the skirt.

ayôpshay NA buckskin ayôpshayák buckskins ayôpshayuk on the buckskin Wupitkôsonuk ayôpshay ôkhuk wuci isuwák môsôpish, tá ayáhsak Her garment was buckskin, covered with colored beads, and shells.
isuwáyu –

isuwáyu – VII it is colored isuwáyuw it is colored isuwáyush they are colored isuwák that it is colored isuwáks that they are colored Wupitkôsonuk ayôpshay ôkhuk wuci isuwák môsôpish, tá ayáhsak Her garment was buckskin, decorated with colored beads, and shells.

áqátum- VTI he decorated it, garnished it nutáqátum I decorated it áqátum s/he decorated it kutáqátumun you and I decorated it sg : áqátumsh Decorate it! áqátumoq Decorate it! plural áqátumutuk Let’s decorate it! áqátuk that he decorates it áqátumhutut that they decorate it Wupitkôsonuk ayôpshay. Áqátum wuci isuwák môsôpish, tá ayáhsak. Her garment was buckskin. She decorated it with colored beads, and shells.