Search Results "nákumôw"


-atôks NA DEP cousin my cousin) (natôks : natôksak my cousins natôksuk on my cousin katôks your cousin watôksah his/her cousin katôksun your and my cousin Katôksuwôwak nákumôw They are your (plural) cousins.

cáhsháyuwôk NI family cáhsháyuwôkansh families cáhsháyuwôkanuk in a family Nucáhsháyuwôk nákumôw They are my family; Inkôtôk wici wámi kucáhsháyuwôkanun wustawutuk Let’s build a picture of our entire family; Qutôsk nunicônak apuwak yo cáhsháyuwôkanuk These are the six children in this family.

wáh- VTA he knows him nuwáhô I know him wáháw s/he knows him kuwáhômun you and I know him sg : wáh Know him! pl : wáhohq Know him! wáhôt that he knows him Nákumôw nuwáhô, yotay apuwak I know them, they are right here!

pish AUX VERB shall, will [a word signifying the future] Nákumôw pish táhkotayák kusôpskanuk They shall climb upon the (high) rocks.

táhkotayá- VTI he climbs, scales something nutáhkotayáw I climb it táhkotayáw s/he climbs it kutáhkotayáwumun you and I climb it táhkotayátuk Let’s climb it! sg : táhkotayásh Climb it! pl : táhkotayáq Climb it! táhkotayák that he climbs it Nákumôw pish táhkotayák kusôpskanuk They shall climb upon the high rocks.

-ôpsk FINAL a stone or rock -ôpskansh -rocks -ôpskanuk on the -rocks Nákumôw pish táhkotayák kus_ôpsk_anuk They shall climb upon the (high) rocks.

suqi- VAI he enters, comes in nusuqi I enter suqi s/he enters kusuqimun you and I enter sg : suqish Enter! pl : suqiq Enter! sáqit that he enters Áh, nákumôw na, kitôpánônak yotay. Suqiq! Oh, it’s them, our friends are here! Come in! Nuks, sqôt ni. Suqituk Yes, that’s the door. Let’s go in; Náhsuk, nutuyôhtum kitôpánônak piyôhutut. Suqihutuc Husband, I think our friends are here. Let them come in. Ki Tipi tápi mut kusuqi kisuquk You, Devil, you cannot enter heaven.

mawôk NI a cry, a weeping mawôkansh cries mawôkanuk in the cry Nákumôw pish wápiná pakowônuwôk wuci mawôk They shall raise up a cry of destruction.

wápimá- VII it arises, goes upward wápimo it arises wápimosh they arise wápimok when it arises wápimoks whenever it arises Nákumôw pish wápino pakowônuwôk wuci mawôk They shall raise up a cry of destruction.
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