Search Results "nitay"


nitay PART there, that place Wuták nitay wusômi kumushakimô kiyaw nis You two are too big behind there.

yokcôwi ADV yonder, over there (implies a further distance away than nitay: there) Kutomát Qáqiqihshôt, yokcáwi nipawsh Singing Cricket, stand over there.

na DEM that, those (animate) nik those nih obviative Nitay, ni na There, that’s me. Kiyawun nik That’s us. Náy, niyawun nik. Nuw’sintamawôkanun ni Yeah, that’s us. That’s our wedding.

qaci- VAI he goes outside, goes out, gets off of, exits nuqaci I am outside qaci s/he is outside kuqacimun you and I are outside sg : qacish Go outside! pl : qaciq Go outside! qácit that he is outside Páwihsa, kumuskawi, nuqaci Okay, you found me, I’m coming out; Qaciq wuci nitay Come out of there!

ayaqs NA star ayaqsak stars ayaqsuk in the star Nitay yôpôwi ayaqs There is an early morning star.

mihkunum- VTI he holds it numihkunum I hold it mihkunum s/he holds it kumihkunumumun you and I hold it mihkunumutuk Let’s hold it! sg : mihkunumsh Hold it! pl : mihkunumoq Hold it! mihkunumak that he holds it Kikátohkáwôk mihkunum kitiyayôk wuci wutaymôyin Language holds the life force of a nation. Numihkunum siwôpák pôhpaskôk I am holding the blue ball. Cáqan kumihkunum nitay? What are you holding there? Yo, mihkunumsh yo Here, hold this. Wôcak, piyôkut mihkunumoq Everybody, hold the blanket.

pupon NI winter puponsh winters puponuk in the winter Puponsh nitay mutáwi t’káyuw The winters there are very cold.

wusqik NI book, letter, writing wusqikansh books wusqikanuk in the book Qá wusqik wuci nuw’sintamawôkanun nupáto, wáci nôhtuyuyak inkôtôkansh And I brought our wedding book to show you the pictures. Kunamsh, mukacuks uwusqikansh nitay Look, there are the boy’s books. Côci awân ayuw nánuk, iwá Manto wusqikanuk Manto Everyone must be likewise, says God in God’s book.

mushaki- VAI he is great, mighty, big numshaki I am mighty mushaki s/he is mighty kumshakimun you and I are mighty máhshakit that he is mighty máhshakihutut that they are mighty Yo miqun mushakiyuw This feather is big; Wuták nitay wusômi kumushakimô kiyaw nis You two are too big behind there.

sun NI stone sunsh stones sunuk on the stone Aqi cáqan yo sun máhsunuman What is the stone like when you touch it? Sunsh kusaputásh kôkci yohtuk The stones are heated in a great fire. Sôhkinum nupi kásaputáks sunuk He pours water on the stones. Ni sun totay kôsuqôm piyôk mut apuw nitay That stone, where the witches came, no [longer] rests there.
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