Search Results "môwáwikamuq"


môwáwikamuq NI a gathering place, a church môwáwikamuqash churches môwáwikamuquk in the church Piyôsh i môwiwikamuq nôwáyuwan! Come to church!

môwáwi- VAI they gather themselves, assemble, congregate, attend church meeting numôwáwimun we gather (excl) kumôwáwimun we gather (incl) môwáwiwak they gather pl : môwáwiq Gather! môwáwicik that they gather Qá ôkatuq nukámun môwáwikamuq… And a cloud covered the tent of the congregation.

nukámun- VTI he covers it over, envelops it, overwhelms it nunukámun I covers it pôsutnasun s/he covers it kunukámunumun you and I cover it sg : nukámunsh Cover it! pl : nukámunoq Cover it! nukámunuk that he covers it Qá ôkatuq nukámun môwáwikamuq… And a cloud covered the tent of the congregation.

ôkatuq NA cloud ôkatuqak clouds ôkatuquk in the clouds Qá ôkatuq nukámun môwáwikamuq… And a cloud covered the tent of the congregation.

cikáswutuwôk NI a burn, being burned (passive) cikásuwutuwôkansh burnings cikásuwutuwôkanuk at the burning Kutáhqunômun nis inak môwáwikamuq cikásuwutuwôkanuk We seized two men at the church burning.