Search Results "mukacuks"


mukacuks NA boy mukacuksak boys mukacuksuk on the boys …Sarah wô nosáw mukacuksak that Sarah should have given children suck?

aqu- VAI he is clothed, dressed, gets dressed, wears (something) nutaq I am dressed aquw s/he is dressed kutaqumun you and I sg : aqush Get dressed! pl : aquq Get dressed! áqut that he is dressed Pitkôs côhtam áqunuk She wants to wear a dress. Mukacuks aquw wáci kon The boy is dressed for snow.

nosá- VTA she suckles him nunosá I suckle him nosáw s/he suckles him kunosáwômun you and I suckle him sg : nosáw Suckle him! pl : nosohq Suckle him! nosôt that he suckles him …Sarah wô nosáw mukacuksak that Sarah should have given children suck?

wusqik NI book, letter, writing wusqikansh books wusqikanuk in the book Qá wusqik wuci nuw’sintamawôkanun nupáto, wáci nôhtuyuyak inkôtôkansh And I brought our wedding book to show you the pictures. Kunamsh, mukacuks uwusqikansh nitay Look, there are the boy’s books. Côci awân ayuw nánuk, iwá Manto wusqikanuk Manto Everyone must be likewise, says God in God’s book.

kucumôksu- VAI he is pitiful, poor, wretched, miserable nukucumôks I am poor kucumôksuw s/he is poor kukucumôksumun you and I are poor sg : kucumôksush Be miserable! pl : kucumôksuq Be miserable! kucumôksutuk Let’s be miserable! kácumôksut that he is pitiful Katawi nunáwô kucumôksut mukacuks pôkasuw I am going to see the pitiful boy who is lame.

pôkasu- VAI he is crippled, disabled nupôkas I’m crippled pôkasuw s/he is crippled kupôkasumun you and I are disabled pôkasut that he is disabled Katawi nunáwô kucumôkusuw mukacuks pôkasuw I am going to see the pitiful boy who is lame.

pátunáhshô- VAI he is made to fly nupátunáhshô I am made to fly pátunáhshô s/he is made to fly kupátunáhshôwômun you and I are made to fly pátunáhshôwutuk Let’s be made to fly! pátunáhshôw Fly! pl : pátunáhshôwohq Fly! pátunáhshôwôt that he is made to fly Moshup potá, qá mukacuks pátunáhshô wicawuk Mooshup blew heavily, and the boy was made to fly into the mountains.

tatakámô NA porpoise tatakámôk porpoises tatakámôk on the porpoise Mukacuks pásawáw i t’hkamuk psqanuk tatakámô The boy was brought to the shore on the back of the porpoise.

-námôn NA DEP son nunámônak my sons nunámônuk on my son nunámôn my son wunámônah his son kunámônun our son (yours and mine) Yo sqáhsihs nutônihs wôk, qá yo mukacuks nunámôn wôk This girl is my daughter and this boy is also my son. Ayunamawáw Davidah, kihtasotah, wôtamwi wunámônah He gave David, the king, a wise son.