Search Results "mihki"


mihki ADV strongly Mihki nuwuyôptamun papômi cáhsháyuwôk I strongly believe in the family.

mihkiku- VAI he is strong numihkik I am strong mihkikuw s/he is strong kumihkikumun you and I are strong mihkikutuk Let’s be strong! sg : mihkikush Be strong! pl : mihkikuq Be strong! mihkikut that he is strong Manto mihkikuw ta wámi wáhtôw God is strong and all-knowing. Manto wikuw, numiyuq numihkikuwôk wáci tápi nutômki qá nutáyunamô nahak God is good, he gives me my strength so that I can get up and help myself.

táyôhqusu- VAI he is short nutáyôhqus I am short táyôhqusuw s/he is short kutáyôhqusumun you and I are short táyôhqusutuk Let’s be short! sg : táyôhqusush Get short! pl : táyôhqusuq Be short! táyôhqusut that he is short Táyôhqusuw wipi mihkikut He is short but strong.

piwi- VAI he is little nupiwi I am little piwi s/he is little kupiwiwômun you and I are little sg : piwish Be little! pl : piwiq Be little! piwit that he is little Piwiyôn, ôk nutayimihkinôqusuw When I was little, I am stronger than it seems.

ayi- INIT better, more, it exceeds, surpasses Piwiyôn, ôk nut_ayi_mihkinôqusuw When I was little, I was stronger than it seems. Pôqus _ayi_mushqisuw ônk wic The moth was bigger than his hand.

nisuncák NUM twenty Káwit nisuncák cáwhkish, uyutáha mihkikut When he sleeps for twenty minutes, he feels strong.

ômki- VAI he gets up, as out of bed nutômki I get up ômkiw s/he gets up kutômkimun you and I get up sg : ômkish Get up! pl : ômkiq Get up! ômkit that he gets up Ômkiq! Tôn kukawimô? Get up! How did you sleep? Ômkish, qá mamun mukihs tá áhkasah … Arise and take the young child and his mother… Nutômki, numic, sômi nuwacônôn mihkikuwôk wuci Manto I get up, I eat, because I have strength from God.

watunum- VTI he receives it, obtains it nuwatunum I receive it watunum s/he receives it kuwatunumumun you and I receive it watunumutuk Let’s receive it! sg : watunumsh Obtain it! pl : watunumoq Obtain it! wátunuk that he obtains it Manto kutayunamawuq qá mus kuwatunum mihkikuwôk wuci Manto God helps you and you will get strength from God.

mucimi ADV always, forever Sômi kumantonuk, kumihkikwôk, mutáwi wikun, mucimi ta mucimi Because yours is heaven, yours is strength, very good, forever and forever.
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