Search Results "mawôk"


mawôk NI a cry, a weeping mawôkansh cries mawôkanuk in the cry Nákumôw pish wápiná pakowônuwôk wuci mawôk They shall raise up a cry of destruction.

na DEM that, those (animate) nik those nih obviative Nitay, ni na There, that’s me. Kiyawun nik That’s us. Náy, niyawun nik. Nuw’sintamawôkanun ni Yeah, that’s us. That’s our wedding.

w’sintamuwôk NI marriage, wedding w’sintamuwôkansh marriages w’sintamuwôkanuk in a wedding Náy, niyawun nik. Nuw’sintamawôkanun ni Yes, that is us. That’s our wedding.

kunam- VTI he looks at it nukunam I look at it kunam s/he looks at it kukunamumun you and I look at it kunamutuk Let’s look at it! sg : kunamsh Look at it! pl : kunamoq Look at it! kának that he looks at it Piyôsh tá kunamsh w’sintamawôk inkôtôkansh Come and look at the wedding pictures. Kunicôn mus numihkunô, wáci tápi kunamáq áyuwi kuski I will hold your baby so you can look more closely.

wápimá- VII it arises, goes upward wápimo it arises wápimosh they arise wápimok when it arises wápimoks whenever it arises Nákumôw pish wápino pakowônuwôk wuci mawôk They shall raise up a cry of destruction.

kotum- VTA he teaches him nukotumô I teach him kotumáw he teaches him kukotumômun you and I teach him sg : kotum Teach him! pl : kotumohq Teach him! kotumutuk Let’s teach him! kotumôt that he teaches him Nis Awáhsohsak kotumáw wunámônah unohumáwôkansh Two Bears teaches his son songs.

nôhtuy- VTA 1he shows it to him 2(y-stem) nunôhtuyô I show it to him nôhtuyáw s/he shows it to him kunôhtuyômun you and I show it to him sg : nôhtus Show it to him! pl : nôhtuyohq Show it to him! nôhtuyôt that he shows it to him Qá wusqik wuci nusintamawôkanun nupáto, wáci nôhtuyuyak inkôtôkansh And I brought our wedding book to show you the pictures. Nuks, táput ni nôhtusiyak kutinkôtôkanuwôwash Yes, thank you for showing your family pictures to us.

páto- VTI he brings it nupáto I bring it pátôw s/he brings it kupátomun you and I bring it sg : pátawush Bring it! pl : pátawoq Bring it! pátôk that he brings it Qá wusqik wuci nuw’sintamawôkanun nupáto, wáci nôhtuyuyak inkôtôkansh And I brought our wedding book to show you the pictures. Pupiq pátawush bring the flute.

wusqik NI book, letter, writing wusqikansh books wusqikanuk in the book Qá wusqik wuci nuw’sintamawôkanun nupáto, wáci nôhtuyuyak inkôtôkansh And I brought our wedding book to show you the pictures. Kunamsh, mukacuks uwusqikansh nitay Look, there are the boy’s books. Côci awân ayuw nánuk, iwá Manto wusqikanuk Manto Everyone must be likewise, says God in God’s book.