Search Results "kucohkôn"


kucohkôn NA a doll, a statue kucohkônak dolls kucohkônuk on the doll …qut nuqut kucohkôn wustôw kiht-máhshák ôk ôkutakansh …but one doll was made larger than the rest. Ciqunapi, kucshunsh sáhwustow kucohkônak Quietly, she set about making some dolls. Náwôwak kucohkônah qá ô yaqi pásuq He saw the dolls and went towards one.

iyo ADV now alternate: yo Iyo aquwak kukucohkônunônak Our dolls are dressed now. Nik natawahamutô iyo Let’s go visit my house now.

nikôni ADV first, ahead, before Nikôni, côci kunakuskawô yok kucohkônak First, you should meet these dolls.

sáh- INIT forth from, out from, movement from the place where or in which the action of the verb begins. Ciqunapi, kucshunsh sáh wustow kucohkônak Quietly, she set about making some dolls. Yôpi sáh pasotsháw, qá ciwi táhqunáw Again he began to gain and almost caught her.

iyaki- VII it is, it exists (not used with a location) iyaki it exists iyakish they exist iyakik that it exists iyakiks that they exist Wutôtunum shayak, qá náwáw iyakak cánaw kucohkônah He pulled down the robes and saw that it was only a doll.

wacônum- VTI he has it, keeps it nuwacônum I keep it wacônum s/he keeps it kuwacônumumun you and I keep it wacônumutuk Let’s keep it! sg : wacônumsh Keep it! pl : wacônumoq Keep it! wácônuk that he keeps it Nutaposuwôk-cupukamukanuk, nuwacônum ahutanishunimuk wôk In my kitchen, I have a stove also. Wiqam mut mô kuwacônum, totay ápuhutut kukucohkônak Didn’t you have a [Indian] house where your dolls lived? Nuwacônumumun yoht wáci napukak We keep a fire for the dead. Kunámumô cahshinsh wácônumak yotay? Do you see how much we have here? Cumôkusu inskitôp mut wacônum munish Poor Indian he has no money.

wicuw NI a house, a dwelling-place wicômash houses wicômuk at the house Wicuw mut mô kuwacônum, totay ápuhutut kukucohkônak? Didn’t you have a house where your dolls lived?

kiht- PREN chief, principal, greatest …qut nuqut kucohkôn wustôw kiht máhshák ôk ôkutakansh but one doll was made larger than the rest.

môyák NI cloth, garment, clothing, clothes môyákansh garments môyákanuk on the clothes Yo kucohkônak umôyákuwôwash. Nuqut môyák, nis môyákash Here are the dolls’ clothes. One garment, two garments.

mushôtowi ADV loudly Kôkci kucohkôn nit onon aniya ôk mushôtowi ôkutakanakah The large doll then screamed more loudly than the others.
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