Search Results "kon"


kon NA snow (on the ground) (see: socpo-) konak snows konuk in the snow Kon. Socpow Snow. It is snowing!

áskôn NA horn, antler áskônak antlers áskônuk on the antler Áskot áhta ayôp wutáskon The squash was on the buck’s his antler.

nikôni ADV first, ahead, before Nikôni, côci kunakuskawô yok kucohkônak First, you should meet these dolls.

nukôni INIT old (only of objects, not people) Nukôni cáhqin áhtá waskici wacuwuk The old house is located upon the hill.

mikôná- VTA he contends with him, strives against him numikôná I contend with him mikônáw s/he contends with him kumikônámun you and I contend with him mikônátuk Let’s contend with him sg : mikônásh contend with him! pl : mikônohq contend with him! mikônát that he contends with him …qá ayitiyáw mikônohq and contend with him in battle.

kucohkôn NA a doll, a statue kucohkônak dolls kucohkônuk on the doll …qut nuqut kucohkôn wustôw kiht-máhshák ôk ôkutakansh …but one doll was made larger than the rest. Ciqunapi, kucshunsh sáhwustow kucohkônak Quietly, she set about making some dolls. Náwôwak kucohkônah qá ô yaqi pásuq He saw the dolls and went towards one.

ayiyukôni ADV against, in opposition Mutôm spunum wic ayiyukôni nákum He never lifted his hand against her.

ayiyukôná- VTA he goes against him, makes war on him nutayiyukôná I goes against him ayiyukônáw s/he goes against him kutayiyukônámun you and I goes against him ayiyukônátuk Let’s make war on him! sg : ayiyukônásh Make war on him! pl : ayiyukônáq Make war on him! áyiyukônát that he goes against him Fidelia uyôhtum Tipi áyiyukônát Mantok Fidelia thinks that the Devil makes war on God.

mucáq PART nothing, none, not any, gone Mucáq kon The snow is gone; Wuw’i! mucáq áskot putukunik yo wáyôksuk Oh! no pumpkin bread this evening.

socpo- VII it is snowing, it snows socpo it is snowing socpok that it is snowing socpoks whenever it snows Kon! Socpo; Snow! It is snowing! Socpoks ôkumham Whenever it is snowing he goes snowshoeing. Mutáwi kon, socpo iyo Much snow, it is snowing now.
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