Search Results "kitakamuko"


kitakamuko NI mainland kitakamukok Supper is on the mainland Quni-yôwat in pumôtam munhanuk yôwatuk wuci kitakamuko Long ago there lived a man upon an island far from the mainland. Sqá wut’hki kitakamukok The woman lived on the mainland.

cimá- VAI he paddles or rows (a boat) nucimaw I paddle cimaw s/he paddles kucimanun you and I paddle sg : cimsh Paddle! pl : cimaq Paddle! cimat that he paddles Nit tôtáw nuqut wumushoyash, qá cimáw i kitakamuko Then he got one of his canoes, and paddled to the mainland.

tôtá- VTA he climbs into something nutôtá I climbed into it tôtáw s/he climbed into it kutôtáwámun you and I climbed into it tôtátuk Let’s climb into it sg : tôtásh Climb into it! pl : tôtáq Climb into it! tôtát that he climbs into it Nit tôtáw nuqut wumushoyash, qá cimáw i kitakamuko Then he climbed into one of his canoes, and paddled to the mainland.