Search Results "ayôtam"


ayôtam VAI he thinks, purposes, wills nutayôtam I think ayôtam s/he thinks kut ayôtamumun you and I think sg : ayôtamsh Think! pl : ayôtamuq Think! áyôtamut that s/he thinks Nutayôtam, niwuci, nutay I think, therefore, I am. Kôkci kucohkônah takamáw aqu shayuk, áyôhtak wuw áyut wiyokanah He struck the large doll that was under the robes, thinking that it might be his wife.

muyôtam- VTI he smells it, senses its smell (involuntarily) numuyôtam I smell it muyôtam s/he smells it kumuyôtamumun you and I smell it máyôtak that he smells it máyôtamhutut that they smell it Numuyôtam upihsháwansh I am smelling the flowers. Muyôtam sqá yoht The woman is smelling the fire.

pasotshá- VAI he goes or comes near, approaches nupasotshá I approach pasotsháw s/he approaches kupasotsháwômun you and I approach sg : pasksháhsansh Approach! pl : pasksháhsanoq Approach! pásotsháwôt that he approaches Paswôsi, pasotsháw qá kipi ciwi i nákum, qá ayôtam táhqunáw He soon began to approach her, and quickly he was almost up to her, and would have caught her.

paswôsi ADV soon Paswôsi, pasotsháw qá kipi ciwi i nákum, qá ayôtam táhqunáw He soon began to approach her, and quickly he was almost up to her, and would have caught her.

onon- VAI he screams, yells, howls like a wild animal nutonon I scream onon s/he screams kutononun you and I scream ononutuk Let’s scream! ononsh Scream! pl : ononoq Scream! ononak that he screams Kôkci kucohkôn nit onon aniya ôk mushôtowi ôkutakanakah The large doll then screamed louder than the others. Qipit kánawôt nuqut kucohkônah, pásuq wuták nákum ayôtam ononak Every time he turned to look at one doll, the one that was behind him would scream.

cipsôtam- VTI he fears or is amazed by (it) nucipsôtam I fear it cipsôtam s/he fears it kucipsôtamumun you and I fear it sg : cipsôtamsh Fear it! pl : cipsôtamoq Fear it! cipsôtamhutut that they fear it Tani cipsôtam wuci mutáwi cáwhkish, qá wutayôtamuwôkansh wutamôtamôw Tani was astonished for many minutes, and his thoughts troubled him.