Search Results "ayôp"


ayôp NA buck, male deer ayôpák bucks ayôpuk in the buck Ayôp wihkum quniqah The buck called the doe.

ayôpshay NA buckskin ayôpshayák buckskins ayôpshayuk on the buckskin Wupitkôsonuk ayôpshay ôkhuk wuci isuwák môsôpish, tá ayáhsak Her garment was buckskin, covered with colored beads, and shells.

wuyôptá- VAI he believes nuwuyôptá, noyôptá I believe wuyôptá s/he believes kuwuyôptámun, koyôptámun you and I believe sg : wuyôptásh Believe! pl : wuyôptáq Believe! wáyôptát that he believes Koyôptámun tátupi Kôkcimantok, wipi usuwisuw wámi uwisuwôkansh You and I believe in the same Great Spirit, but he is called many names.

áskôn NA horn, antler áskônak antlers áskônuk on the antler Áskot áhta ayôp wutáskon The squash was on the buck’s his antler.

aposu- VAI he cooks, bakes nutapos I cook aposuw s/he cooks kutaposumun you and I cook sg : aposush Cook! d pl : aposuq Cook! aposutuk let’s cook! áposut that he cooks Naspi yoht mô aposuwak sôp Mohiksinak Mohegans used to cook cornmeal mush on a fire. Kôkci nikômo kuwacônômun qá mámusi ayôp kutaposumun We will have a great feast and cook a whole buck.
isuwáyu –

isuwáyu – VII it is colored isuwáyuw it is colored isuwáyush they are colored isuwák that it is colored isuwáks that they are colored Wupitkôsonuk ayôpshay ôkhuk wuci isuwák môsôpish, tá ayáhsak Her garment was buckskin, decorated with colored beads, and shells.

áqátum- VTI he decorated it, garnished it nutáqátum I decorated it áqátum s/he decorated it kutáqátumun you and I decorated it sg : áqátumsh Decorate it! áqátumoq Decorate it! plural áqátumutuk Let’s decorate it! áqátuk that he decorates it áqátumhutut that they decorate it Wupitkôsonuk ayôpshay. Áqátum wuci isuwák môsôpish, tá ayáhsak. Her garment was buckskin. She decorated it with colored beads, and shells.