Search Results "ayum"


ayum NA a dog ayumak dogs ayumuk on the dog Ayum náyuwáyuw nátáwôput wuci micuwôk The dog wanders about looking for food.

ayum- VTI he makes it nutayum I make it ayum s/he makes it kutayumumun you and I make it sg : ayumsh Make it! pl : ayumoq Make it! áyuk that he makes it Wuski kátshuk Manto ayum kisuk tá áhki In the new beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

ayumihs NA little dog, puppy ayumihsak puppies ayumihsuk on the puppy Awáhsohs Mátáhkát pásawuqak nis ayumihsak nikuk Dancing Bear brought two puppies to my home.

sháyum- VTA he hates him nusháyumô I hate him sháyumáw s/he hates him kusháyumômun you and I hate him sg : sháyum Hate him! pl : sháyumohq Hate him! sháyumôt that he hates him Ki kusháyumô You are hateful.

ayu- VAI he is, exists (not used with location) nutay I am ayuw s/he is kutayumun you and I are sg : ayush Be! pl : ayuq Be! áyut that s/he is Tôn kutay? How are you? Kôkci Manto iwa ‘Nutay Áyuyôn.’ The Great Spirit said, ‘I am that I am.’ Manto ayuw wámi pômkokik God exists in all the world.

cunáyu- VAI he is crazy nucunáy I am crazy cunáyuw s/he is crazy kucunáyumun you and I are crazy sg : cunáyush be crazy! pl : cunáyuq be crazy! cánáyut that s/he is crazy Nucunáy ! I am crazy! Cunáyuw áyôhtak mus tánikutiyáw sáp He is crazy thinking he can plant the house tomorrow.

wiyayu- VAI he is happy nuwiyay I am happy wiyayuw s/he is happy kuwiyayumun you and I are happy wiyayutuk Let’s be happy! sg : wiyayush Be happy! pl : wiyayuq Be happy! wiyayut that he is happy Yo kisk wiyayuw Today he is happy . Pásawum nohsak! Nuwus’huqak wiyayuyôn Bring my grandchildren! They make me happy. Nuwus’huwôwak wiyayuhutut I make them happy. Námsh ni! Wiyayuwak Look at that! They are happy.

náyuwáyu- VAI he wanders around, strays nunáyuwáy I stray náyuwáyuw s/he strays kunáyuwáyumun you and I stray sg : náyuwáyush Stray! pl : náyuwáyuq Stray! náyuwáyut that he strays Yo wihco náhtiyá náyuwáyuw This handsome dog strays.

sáhoqáyu- VAI he looks out (as from a window or door) nusáhoqáy I look out sáhoqáyuw s/he looks out kusáhoqáyumun you and I look out sáhoqáyutuk Let’s look outside! sg : sáhoqáyush Look ouside! pl : ssáhoqáyuq Look outside! sáhoqáyut that he looks out Wáhkasah Susiya sáhoqáyuw kinakinikanuk qá mushôtowáw Sisera’s mother looked out the window and shouted.

natinitiyawôk NI a search natinitiyawôkansh searches natinitiyawôkanuk in the search Qá nutuyamáp, qá natinitiyawôk ayumun I commanded, and a search hath been made.
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