Search Results "aqi"


aqi PREP like, similar to Aqi cáqan yo máhsunuman? What is this like when you touch it?

yaqi PREP towards, to Kiyawun wámi wucshák Manto, qá yaqi nákum mus kuputukimun We all come from God, and to him will we return.

qaqi- VAI he runs nuqaqi I run qaqi s/he runs kuqaqimun you and I run qaqituk Let’s run! sg : qaqish Run! pl : qaqiq Run! qáqit that he runs Wikun! Wi kuqaqimô Good! You all run well. Qaqiq qi wacuwuk Run up the hill.

tiyaqi ADV any Cáhshi munish kuwacôn? Tiyaqi? How much money do you have? Any?

putaqi- VAI he hides, is hidden nuputaqi I hide putaqi s/he hides kuputaqimun you and I hide sg : putaqish Hide! pl : putaqiq Hide! pátaqit that he hides Quniq putaqi k’pák The doe was hidden in the woods.

qáqiqihshôt NA grasshopper, cricket ‘one who repeatedly jumps’ qáqiqihshôták crickets qáqiqihshôták on the crickets Tápkuks putawáw muksah tá qáqiqihshôtáh Whenever it is night he hears the wolves and crickets.

suqi- VAI he enters, comes in nusuqi I enter suqi s/he enters kusuqimun you and I enter sg : suqish Enter! pl : suqiq Enter! sáqit that he enters Áh, nákumôw na, kitôpánônak yotay. Suqiq! Oh, it’s them, our friends are here! Come in! Nuks, sqôt ni. Suqituk Yes, that’s the door. Let’s go in; Náhsuk, nutuyôhtum kitôpánônak piyôhutut. Suqihutuc Husband, I think our friends are here. Let them come in. Ki Tipi tápi mut kusuqi kisuquk You, Devil, you cannot enter heaven.

qi ADV up, upward Qi qaqiq Run up.

wi ADV well, good Wikun! Wi kuqaqimô Good! You all run well.

muskaw- VTA he finds him numskawô I find him muskawáw s/he finds him kumskawômun you and I find him muskawutuk Let’s find him! muskaw Find him! muskôhq Find him! máskawôt that he finds him Putaqiq, qá kumskôyumô You all hide and I will find you. Wikuw skitôp akôhsihsuwak. Nátskawôt, mut tápi kumskawô A good man is not many. Looking, you cannot find him.
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